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All Because of a Dare


I was having a normal day, until I went to Kofuku's. I didn't even step inside yet- I could hear Yukine yelling at Yato.



I could already tell what they were arguing about. I knocked on the door and Daikoku let me in.

"Oh good." He said as he motioned for me to come in. He suspected that I could stop Yato and Yukine from screaming their lungs off at each other, and he was right.

"Oi! Hiyori's here!" Yato said, not projecting his voice loudly. Kofuku must've heard him because she entered the room, running up to hug me.

"Hiyorin! Glad to see you here!" She said as I was pulled into a tight hug.

"I think that's enough, missus." Daikoku commanded, and I had the ability to breath again. But just as we thought she was calming down, she burst up with an idea.

"We should play truth or dare!" the God of Poverty exclaimed, nudging her regalia to allow her to play.

"Okay, fine." he finally lightened up.

So there we all were, around 5 minutes later, all huddled up in a circle, with a  bottle in the middle.

"Yukki should go first." she looked at him and he opened up, not being stubborn like he usually always is.

He spun the bottle and it landed on me. Just great.

"Uhhh- truth." I spat out. Ugh, why truth? I should've done dare.

"Is it true that..." his words were followed by a short period of silence, covered up by thought.

"Is it true that you want to become a Goddess or regalia?" he finished.

I nodded. I wanted to become a Goddess. Staying with my friends surrounding me for as long as I want, having shinki, having cool powers. Maybe it could happen one day.

Yato was waving his left hand in front of my face.

"Hiyori, you there? It's your turn." My cheeks flushed pink of embarrassment. I crawled up to the middle of the circle, gave the bottle a spin, and crawled back to my spot. It landed on Kofuku. Great. Even more wonderful luck.

"Dare!" she answered within milliseconds of the bottle landing on her presence.

"I dare you to act calm for an hour." I said as she has a horrified look on her face. She was crazy, the exact opposite of calm. She nodded and spun the bottle, careful not to squeal out of excitement because it had landed on Yato.

"Yatty!" she let out, half calm, half crazy.

"Dareeeeee." he dragged out, seeming like he regretted taking part in this game.

"I dare you to kiss Hiyori." she said, holding in all of her fangirling and excitement.

I turned to my right, he turned to his left.

"I'll make the move." I mouthed, because I had an idea.

I got closer to Yato, grabbed a layer of his scarf, laid it on his mouth, and placed my lips on his, the scarf separating us. I tried pulling away, but he has his arm around my waist- he wasn't done yet.

I could feel the warmth of his lips through the scarf, it being thin.

For the need of air, he took his arm off of me and I avoided looking at him. I could feel that my face was burning hot, but I wasn't ready to face him yet. Actually, I wasn't feeling up to playing the game anymore.

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