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I had been spending time with my regalia and best friend, the half phantom, half human, for a while now. My regalia was a teenage boy with blonde, spiked hair. Yukine was his name, instrument name Sekki (is that right? lmao) The half phantom, half human was a high school named Iki Hiyori, Hiyori, is what I called her. She had long, brown hair and bright, pink eyes. We had met each other when she pushed me out of the front of a car whilst I was chasing a cat across the street. She slipped out of her body and has remembered me ever since, forgetting me sometimes but I always regain my place back in her memory.

It was midnight, and I was sleeping in the spare room in Kofuku's shrine. I was laying wide awake, unable to sleep. Yukine was fast asleep, sleeping peacefully. I was lost in thought about Hiyori- how she would get older and soon forget us. She meant a lot to me, Yukine too. Sometimes I wish I could become a human or she could become a Goddess. But I knew that she had a life and I wouldn't want to bother her. From all this thinking of Hiyori, I decided I would go and visit her.

I teleported to the window of her bedroom, her fast asleep. She was so beautiful... I went into her bedroom and sat on the floor by her bed. I sat down on the hair and examined her facial features. I took my hand and brushed her bangs out of her face, careful not to wake her up. I watched as her stomach rose up and down, so smoothly. I noticed how her skin looked so soft, so my hand rose up to caress her cheek that was facing away from the bed (she was laying on her side, facing Yato). Her lip twitched so I quickly took back my hand and froze. Her lips broke into a smile as I realized she was awake. She took a deep breath in and said my name.

"Ya...to..." I blushed but then wondered how she knew it was me.

She didn't open her eyes, she must've been half asleep.

"Yat-ooo!" she softly repeated my name again. My cheeks were red.

"Y-Yes, Hiy-yori?" I managed to choke out. Wait no, that was stupid. She's asleep, she's not gonna reply.

"Yaaaatoooo!" She repeated, again. I realized she was just going to be saying my name, which made me blush, so I just climbed into bed with her. She only took up half of the bed, so I took the other half.

I was starting to drift off to sleep but was interrupted when she flipped over and nuzzled into my chest. The arm that I was laying on was beneath the pillow I was using, so I decided to put my free hand around Hiyori's waist. Then I fell asleep without any interruptions.

I woke up first, seeing the sun peek through her window, I didn't want to wake Hiyori, so I just watched her. She was so... wonderful. She moved a bit, then woke up. This part was sort of scary, because I didn't know whether or not she would be surprised and kick me, or be cool with it. But knowing her, she would probably kick me. Once she regained her sense, she shot out of my grasp.

"Y-Yato?? What are you doing in my bed?!" She screamed at me and I got up.

"Recall anything from last night? I couldn't sleep so I came to your window, then you started repeating my name. I then slept in your bed and you nuzzled up to me. There." I said and her cheeks flushed pink.

"I-I... sorry." She apologized.

"Repay me with beers." I smirked.

"Whatever, you know where they are." she said and the blush on her cheeks faded.

I left her room to go to the kitchen. I took a beer out of the fridge and opened it. I made my way over to the couch and turned the tv on to an anime called "Tokyo Ghoul". It was about this human whom had gotten some body parts replaced with a ghoul's, which made him half ghoul and half human, which reminded me of Hiyori. Her being half phantom, half human, and all.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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