sippy cups and hiccups

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Come on baby time for bed frankie says looking down sweetly at his little boy watching Gee play with his stuffies on the ground, awwww but daddy Gee whined pouting slightly.

No buts frankie says looking sternly down at his little go upstairs and lay on the bed and I'll get your sippy cup he said at once, Gee whimpers going upstairs waiting for his daddy to come.

Frankie grabs Gee's favorite sippy cup filling it with warm milk as frankie puts the milk in the sippy cup he walks up the stairs seeing that his little is half way asleep, frankie gives the sleepy boy the sippy cup as Gee started drinking the sippy his body started drinking the sippy his body started to jerk as cute little hicks escaped his mouth.

Frankie looks over at the sleepy boy and saw that his baby had gotten the hick ups he smiled and leaned over to rub his baby's cute chubby stomach as Gee began to fall asleep.

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