Wait What?

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How old are they? Let me tell you~


Oh and this part of the story is in the first season, but don't worry *cough* Sam0 *cough* some of are cute characters *cough* Cas *cough* *clears throat* hmmm... must be getting a cold? (it's summer) are coming soon!

With Dean, Sam and Percy!

"Percy?" Sam asked slowly lowering his gun. Dean spins arond to see if it was really percy, and it was. "What are you doing here?" Dean asked momentarily in shock. "Well I think you boys need help, so I'm here to help." Percy said playing with a blue pen in her hand.

"And the vamp is not here I checked last night so has to be hiding somewhere else but I did find a major clue, it won't be so safe talking in the open don't you think?" Percy said. The two brothers looked at each other shocked and curious about what Percy had. "Yeah we can go back to are hotel room to talk there." Dean said finally putting his gun back into his pocket. Sam hasted but did the same. "Wait how do we know you're not the vampire?" Dean asked. Percy gave them a wird look "You know the vampire is a guy right?" Dean nodded and sam said "He could have changed you."

"My eyes." Percy simply said and turned around opening her eyes wider. Dean took his flashlight and flashed them they were perfectly fine. "She okay, sorry about that." Dean says puting his flashlight back down. "It's fine I would have done the same if I didn't know you were the famous Winchester Brothers." Percy said with smrik placing her lips. "So you're a hunter then?" Asked dean.

"Could say that, some people call me the 'Miss. Winchester' that's how I heard of you guys somebody said 'hey this girl's just like a Winchester' and I was like 'who the Winchester's' and he said 'the Winchester's are people that are making it big in the hunting world after their father left"- Percy stopped and looked at the brothers and she had a sad smile -"if it means anymore I think I know how you feel but he left before I was born." Percy said looking down but then the sadness was wiped away from her face "-and they said that you guys are going traveling around the U.S taking down monsters while you're at it so I when I saw you guys last night then there must be a big monster so I researched and there is a big case and I believe you might need some help, need a woman am I right?" Percy ask or more like stated.

"Um.... ya we do" Dean said. Percy turned away from them. They were out side the old apartment building. "Well let's see who will get their first." Percy said hopping in to a nice blue truck, started it, and drove away.

The two brothers just looked at each other and shrugs. They hopped in the Impala and drove away. The two brothers and percy pulled in to the driveway at the same time. Of course Percy had a little head start but Dean did not like has baby losing at a small rase that Percy made. They all met up at the Winchester's room door.

Dean unlock the door and leads Percy in. Percy walked in and sat down on Sam's bed. "Make your self at home." Dean mumbled when Percy picked up a book that was on the bed. "I'm doing that vary well so you don't have to state the clear, but thank you vary much." Percy said sass dripping off each word.

Sam raised a eyebrow, amused at the look Dean gave Percy, and the look Percy gave back looked like she didn't know that she used any sass and all no smrik or smile she kinda looks serious. (Percy serious was the world coming to)

Dean just chuckled and went over to the mini fridge. "What a beer?" he asked. "No thanks I don't want to turn up like my cousin Mr.D." Percy said with a small smile. Dean just raised a eyebrow and handed a beer to Sam, opening his.

"So do you have a plan?" Sam asked looking at Percy. Percy gave him a weird look. "Nope" Percy said popping the p flipping through in the book.
"Can you read Spanish?" Sam Asked. The book she was looking through it was a book Sam borrowed from Bobbi a while back and going to give it back next time he sees him. "Spanish, nope not this kind of Spanish high-end Spanish words. Colors and all that stuff they taught in school yeah but real words please." Percy said. Still flipping through the book. Sam raise an eyebrow "Well can you speak in the other different languages?" Dean gave Sam a confused book wondering how in heck did it come to speaking who could speak languages.

"Oh yeah Latin, Ancient Greek Greek, if there's a difference in between those two. Oh and English." Percy said with a smile. "Thank God you can speak English" Dean mumbled. Sam chuckled and Percy just turn her head to the side.

"Well no duh Dean what do you think I'm speaking right now donkey?" Sam raised an eyebrow well ok then.

Wait how did they start talking about who could speak what? And Percy could speak ancient Greece and Latin even him and Dean has trouble learning that. Then Sam snaped out of his thoughts darn is he ADHD?

"I'm hungry can we go get some food?" Percy asked out of the blue announcing Dean stomach to growl. "Yep that sounds good." Dean said. Sam looked at the clock it's almost midnight "I don't think anything open at midnight." Percy turns to Sam "It's a small town at least one dinner is open come on."

"Wait are we supposed to talk about the case?" Sam said and Dean stopped himself from grabbing his jacket. "We could do that tomorrow I'm hungry" Percy said grabbing on to Dean's hand "Let's go to my room I have a small kitchen in there with food." Percy said dragging Dean to her room door. "We have a small kitchen in are room you know." Sam says. "I know but you guys don't have some dam blue food dye. I already check." Percy said walking to her room.

Sam was wondering when did she check, probably when he spaced out. "Wait, weren't we going to a dinner?" Dean asked really confused. His brother had the same confused expression he had. 'This woman is confusing' both of the brothers thought. "Yeah, but I want to make something, which is weird for me and very rare so let's go to my room there's blue food dye." Percy said unlocking her door and walking in.

The brothers walked in after her. Her room was identical to theirs but with one bed and a desk where the other bed would go, you can see couple grocery bags in the corner of the small kitchen table. The desk had weapons on it. They were all made of copper? Their knives and bullets made of the weird copper material. Sam looked over to Percy she was taking eggs out of the small fridge with some other stuff. "Okay how do you like your eggs?" she said. "Scramble fine." Dean and Sam said at the same time. They looked at each other wiredly.

Percy laughed and started making the eggs. "So what do you have on the vamp." Percy said while cracking eggs into a bowl. "Well the vampire is... 'hunting' pretty women at clubs and stuff like that, and then takes them out into the night and then you know 'feeds'." Dean said waching Percy put blue food dye in the whisk eggs then turning to the Basil with a knife start to cut.

"Hm so it a hansom man that that can easily talk to women to make them join him to go out side. Well dam my cousin would call him a pig with nice teeth that need breaking." Percy said with a chuckle. The brothers looked at each outer.

"So what 'big clue' did you found?" Dean asked as she flipped some eggs on the a paper plate. "My 'big clue' is a that I was at the club that night of the vamp last clue and I know who the vamp is." Percy said as she placed two plates of eggs down.

Hello again and thanks for the comments, I love comments. This chapter goes to Sam0 who helped me start to think about the future of this book so THANK YOU.

Question time... again...

1) should I continue the story? (ME: Dam Ya)

2) what should be different from the original Supernatral TV show and Percy Jackson book's?

And last one (and most important), Did you like it?

By SuperJackson fans!

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