Chapter - 18

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As I was about to go my phone started ringing it was nirsha's call I got confused and lifted the " hello nirshu what happened? why are calling at this time ?" I asked getting worried and her next words made me hell shock.

Areesha's pov:

"Areesha di Bhai and Swetha eloped " nirshu said crying "shhh nirshu don't cry where you all are?" I asked consoling her "di we are at swetha's house " she said "okay I'm coming" I said hanging up the phone "shit!!" I mumbled keeping my phone on the table "what happened areesha?" Sanjeetha asked "sanjeetha Siddharth and Swetha eloped " I said "what? How ? Why?" She asked with confused face "they both love each other Swetha was not accepting Siddharth's proposal for a long time , then recently when I was passing by swetha's office I saw them and heard them proposing each other , the next moment I called their both parents and made them accept their love and now they both eloped foolishly, I'm going to swetha's house if you want to come come or stay here " I said to her in a breath "I'm coming " she said , I just nodded and turned to Stella before I could say anything I was cut by her "I will take care of Ishu ma'am don't worry" I just nodded.

After twenty minutes me and sanjeetha reached swetha's house , as I entered through the door I was greeted by both the aunties crying and uncle's pacing to and fro "got to know anything about them uncle " I asked randomly any of them "no beta we couldn't find them anywhere so we called you so you could help us as you have many connections" Rakesh uncle (Siddharth's dad) said "this is all because of you areesha if you have not told us about them they would have told us by themselves " neetha aunty (swetha's mom) said. I was shocked because the woman who used to treat me like a daughter is now accusing me I didn't tell both of them to elope "neetha just shut up what are talking how can areesha be responsible for their elope we were the one who planned that we would surprise them but these both took a drastic step " nashwanth uncle (swetha's dad) said "uncle it's okay aunty is not in her senses now , I will make a phone call and come" I said and went to the backyard to breath a little "hello Roy I want to you find where Siddharth and Swetha are now" I said calling him Roy is my private detective "yes ma'am you will get information in five minutes about them" he said and hanged up I was about to return the living room but stopped myself from doing that after hearing those painful words "no nashwanth you don't know I think Swetha feared that areesha would snatch Siddharth away from her so she took this step , I mean when she can snatch Ishu from her father then why can't she snatch Siddharth from our daughter" neetha aunty shouted. I didn't snatch Ishu from ranjeeth , he only willingly gave Ishu to me I never thought neetha aunty will think like this about me tears started flowing but I controlled them meanwhile my phone beeped I checked it was the message from Roy about where they were I made my way to say them "umm uncle and aunty I got to know where Siddharth and Swetha are" I said "they are at sanjeevani garden register office " I added. All of them left running towards their cars "thank you beta" nashwanth uncle said who was the last one to go "it's okay uncle" I said. "Sanjeetha you also go with them" I said before she say anything else neetha aunty piped in "yeah sanjeetha you also come Swetha will feel better as you have always been with her " she said dragging her sanjeetha once saw my face before climbing the car I just smiled at her.

"Kaka go to sanjeevani garden register office" I said to my driver why did neetha aunty said like that maybe I'm very selfish and cruel that's why people like that about me but I didn't do anything for them to hate me so much. Maybe I'm not suitable for being loved I think. My thinking was broken by car coming to halt I noticed that their parents didn't reach hear I went inside only to see Siddharth going to tie the auspicious thread around swetha's neck "wow great both of you , you both are getting married and didn't invite any of your family members just great " I said folding my hand "areesha how did you get to know about this" Swetha asked "I have my ways Swetha" I said "are you both out of your mind that you both took this step " I said looking at them "then what should we do , we both love each other and cannot stay with out each other and why am'i telling this all to you ? You were loved in your life don't know it's meaning. All you know is ruining their lives am'i right areesha" Siddharth said I was shocked by hearing those words never in my life I thought that Siddharth who is my childhood best friend will utter these words "yes Siddharth what all you said is right but when your both parents are willing to accept your proposal and marry you both why are you taking this foolish step now please keep mangalsutra aside and go from here as they will be entering now here" I said they both respected my words and left from there I saw them hugging their parents happily.

"Kaka take me to home and later get Ishu from office" I said leaning my head backwards I called Stella "Stella driver kaka will be coming in sometime send Ishu with him I'm going home and leave sangeetha " I said "yes ma'am" she said and hanged up. All the way those words are only roaming in my head.

After reaching home I went inside my room and removed my diary which I used to write in my college times I opened a particular page which I wrote dreams which will never come true
List of things I will do with the person I fall in love with him :

1) I will make love bubbles with him.
2) Everyday i want us go to beach and play till night in water.
3) I want to have my first kiss with him on my first candle light dinner date on the beach.
4) I want to learn my first bike ride by him teaching me.
5) Finally I want him to love me so much that my mom and dad's share of love also should be given to me by him.

I think these dreams will never be fulfilled it's just waste I thought and crumbled the paper and threw it out of the window. I'm a selfish, cruel, control freak ,snatcher, cold hearted woman, ruiner, so many names I have never in my life I thought I will get these many names.


Hey guys now I'm better so here is the update I promised to you all.

Thanks for bearing with me and your support which is very important for me.

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BEING LOVED FOREVER ✔️ Completed (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now