Alexander Isadora Mazzo

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Angela was in her house doing her magic with her friend Alice to see if she's really pregnant. Or not if she is then it would have to be Niklaus Milkaelson's and she did not want that to be true it was only two night stands. After they did the spell Angela couldnt believe it. 'So what are you going to do' Alice asked Angela hoping she wasnt going to take the poison. 'I'm going to kill it i dont want anything of him in me' Angela told her friend do Angela walked over to where she keeps her spell books she got the bottle of poison out and drank it and she fell down to the ground in pin. But it didnt work the baby healed her.
As the months past Angela was happy that she didnt kill herself and she is dating her friend Tim .he is also a witch Angela and Tim were in there new house in New York when Angela's water broke Tim picked her up and put her in the room hours later and she gave birth to her daughter. Alice puts the baby in Angela's arms Tim is smiling Angela looks down at her newborn 'So what is her name' Alice asked 'Alexander Isadora Mazzo' Angela said with a smiles.

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