How was the date

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Alex walked though the door with a smile on her Klaus appears in fort of his daughter.
Klaus-Well Alex how was the date
Alex-It was amazing dad and he's my boyfriend now goodnight
Klaus-Night sweetheart
Alex walks up to her room Klaus smile falls and turns into a frown Elijah Rebekah Kol and Freya walk up to Klaus.
Rebekah-Nik she likes the guy they are allowed to date
Klaus-I don't trust him
Freya-He's a good kid he's human Klaus
Kol-Not like he can kill her
Elijah-Niklaus let her date this Dean guy that she likes so mush
Alex is in her room she turns her music on and dances to the song.
Klaus is in his room and he can hear it he walks out of his room he walks over to Alex's room is he opens the door and see's her dancing he smiles at his daughter.

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