What is Lila up to

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It has been three weeks now that Lila has been staying in New Orleans Hayley doesnt trust Lila. Alex and Lila are in Alex's room Alex just got out of the shower Alex and Lila get dressed.
Lila-I have some good news
Alex-What is it
Lila-Mum said I could move in with dad and dad is moving here to New Orleans
Alex-That's grate
Lila-Can i stay here with you till dad gets back with all of yout stuff
Alex-I'll have to ask dad but he should be fine with it
Lela and Alex walk down and into the kitchen where everyone is.
Alex-Dad can Lila stay here while her dad gets there stuff from
Klaus-She can stay
Lila-Thanks sir we better get going and meet Marcel
Alex-Okay lets go
Alex and Lila walk out
Hayley-Hope go in your room and play
Hope runs away
Hayley-I dont trust Lila i dont think she should stay here
Klaus-This is my house
Klaus walks out
Freya-Lila is Alex's sister and she's a good kid
That night at the Mickelson's in the living room
Lila-Dad said i can start school tomorrow even though he's not here
Elijah-What year are you in Lila
Lila-9 and my birthday is next month
Alex-That means mum will be here god
Lila-Tell me about it Hope i got you something i don't use it anymore
Lila hands Hope some makeup
Hope-Thank you i love it
Hope was smiling
When everyone goes to bed Lila goes down and into the living room
Hayley-What are you doing
Lila-Couldnt sleep never can sleep first night at someones house
Hayley-I dont
Lila-I know you dont like me and i dont like you and one more thing dont get in my way or you will not like me if you hurt me then you will have to tell Hope why Alex doesnt live here anymore
Lila walks away and she calls someone
Lila-Hey it's me tell boss that everything is going as plained
Lila hands up smiling

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