Chapter 1: ONI: Sword Base

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Aegis, standing while holding one of the handles on the ceiling, looked at the marines. They were in a Pelican Dropship, heading to Sword Base, an Office of Naval Intelligence military base in the Babd Catha Ice Shelf. A Covenant Corvette class cruiser was attacking the base. "You ready, son?" Lieutenant Wilder, the leader of the squad of marines, asked Aegis. He replied "As ready as I'll ever be,".

Aegis looked at the warthog that was attached to the pelican. It had a 50. caliber machine gun on it. This would be Aegis' first battle, as he had graduated from the academy only a few days before the Covenant were found by Noble Team. The back door started to open, and Aegis lost his balance for a second.

He managed to stay up, and looked at the battle down below. Several marines were exchanging shots with jackals, elites, and grunts. Aegis noticed an elite started firing at the Pelican with his plasma rifle. One shot hit him, but it barely punctured his shields. The pelican hovered above the ground, right next to the marine's position. It dropped the warthog. "Move, marines!" Yelled Lieutenant Wilder, and Aegis jumped down from the pelican, followed by the squad of marines.

One of them hopped into the warthog's turret, and fired at the Covenant forces. Aegis ran over to some of the marines that were already in the firefight, and threw a shield down, so they could heal a bit. Aegis then started firing at the grunts, and managed to kill one. A jackal went down beside it, which was shot in the head by a DMR. The 50. fired at the remaining enemy forces, and while they were suppressed, Aegis pulled his shotgun out and ran over to them. As he got to them, the grunt looked at him. "Ah! Ah! a demon!" He screamed as Aegis blasted him with the shotgun. One of the elites fired at him, while the other one pulled out an energy sword. Aegis fired at the elite charging him, and his shields were almost down. He managed to take out the energy sword elite, and his shield had finally depleted.

He started to hear a rapid beeping noise, and the bar in his HUD turned red. Suddenly, the second elite was gunned down by the warthog's turret. It had moved up, with the other marines.

Aegis' shields recharged while the marines held their position. "Lieutenant, where's the next objective?" asked one of the marines. Wilder gave his orders "Next waypoint is down at the barracks, two hundred meters west of here,". The marine driving the warthog hopped out, and Aegis took command of the warthog. They moved down the hill, and everyone looked up at the Corvette, which was hammering the main building of Sword Base. "Dang, that thing is huge!" remarked one of the marines. As they moved on, the firefight was visible at the barracks. There were two warthogs, a gauss cannon and 50. cal. which were both firing at the enemy forces. A wraith was hitting the UNSC forces with it's mortar, and three ghosts were also on the field, along with one revenant. There were two machinegun turrets deployed, firing at the enemy infantry. The squad of marines and Aegis moved in to reinforce the soldiers fighting at the barracks. They were being fired at by focus rifles, somewhere by the wraith. The soldiers finally made it to reinforce the ones in the barracks.

Aegis pulled up his warthog next to the other two. Marines hopped into the driver's seat of them, and they all moved into No Man's Land, driving around and firing at the enemy soldiers. The wraith was still hitting the barracks, and it managed to hit one of the turrets. Aegis drove his warthog around the battlefield, while his gunner shot at the elites and grunts pushing forward. The gauss warthog drove behind the hill, and the wraith sat there firing it's mortar. The gunner hit the wraith in the back vent, and it blew up. The jackal snipers ran away, not realizing they had moved right into the battle. They were both killed by a warthog. As the hogs finished off the last of the Covenant forces, Lieutenant Wilder told his marines to look at the Corvette. A few longswords followed it as it tried to fly away, and they turned, flying back towards the base. The Corvette was destroyed by a MAC cannon that pierced directly through it. It crashed to the ground with a large ,purple explosion. The warthogs had driven back to the infantry, and everyone cheered. The attack was over, and the UNSC emerged victorious. Aegis drove up to Sword Base HQ, along with the rest of the soldiers.

When Aegis got inside, he parked his warthog in the motor pool. He took the elevator up to the atrium floor, and went through security. He went through a gray door, and a large room full of ramps and a large window was there. The atrium had taken a lot of damage from the attack. Aegis went up a staircase right across from the entrance. He turned left, and found a small room with a holographic table and a dozen computer screens. Two of the screens were cracked, and one was completely destroyed. Two soldiers were standing there. "Why would they have attacked us?" Asked one of the soldiers. The other answered "This base is vital to the UNSC forces on the planet. Why else would they attack?". The first one retorted "Why would they attack us first? That was the largest force that we've seen on Reach. Surely they have a plan. What if they're planning an invasion?". The other was about to speak, and then they both turned. Aegis was standing there, listening to their conversation. "Um, hi. I was told to report to this room. I'm Spartan S-328, Aegis reporting for duty. Are you the ones I need to talk to, sirs?" Aegis reported. "Yes, soldier. We need you to stay here at Sword Base, as there could be another attack. We may have further orders for you, but in the meantime, we need you patrolling the perimeter," The first soldier said. Aegis wanted to go back to his patrols in the mountains, but he had to follow his orders. That was one of the only things he hated about the military, that he had to follow orders. "Yes, sir. I'll stay at Sword Base," Aegis unwillingly accepted. He then walked out of the Head Quarters, and moved down to the barracks.

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