Chapter 3: The Encounter

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Aegis took the long walk back up to the Sword Base HQ. He'd done this every day for two weeks now, and the walk became less and less annoying the more he had done it. Aegis encountered marines doing their hourly patrols every now and then, and he always greeted them. He preferred the peace and quiet of his mountain patrols more, but having people around that respected him was a great feeling. As Aegis walked along the road, a convoy, consisting of two scorpions, five warthogs, five mongooses, and several foot soldiers went past him. "Must be getting worse out there" He thought to himself. Aegis went through the front door, and went up to security. He stopped, and slowly walked through the floor scanner. "You're all clear," The guard lazily told Aegis. He walked through the big door into the atrium, and walked up the same stairs he'd walked up the past two weeks. The command room was there, and the computer screens had been fixed. Aegis walked up to a soldier that looked middle-aged, with gray streaks in his black hair.

"Sir, I have nothing to report from my patrol," Aegis reported to Commander Thompson. He spoke with a british accent, which was his usual voice "Alright, Spartan. I would dismiss you, but I need to show you something,". Aegis curiously responded with a question "What exactly do you need to show me?". Thompson walked up the small stairs, and motioned Aegis with his hands to follow him. He rolled his eyes, which he knew couldn't be seen under his helmet, and started to follow Thompson.

They walked through a small hallway, and a door opened. It was an elevator door, and they stepped into it. The elevator started moving very swiftly. It was so fast that Aegis couldn't decide if it was ascending or descending. "Are you enjoying yourself here, David?" Thompson asked Aegis. "Well, the weather's nice, not too cold like you would expect," He replied, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. He continued "But, I kind of liked the mountains I was in previously". Thompson proposed another question "How would you like a desert?". Aegis liked that idea. If there was anything he could handle besides the Covenant, it was heat. "I could give that a try. Beats this place any day,". Before Thompson could speak again, the elevator came to a stop. Aegis had a thought, "This is definitely underground,".

Aegis admired the awesome scenery. They were in a gigantic ice cavern, and a huge structure could be seen stuck in a wall of ice. "What is all of this?" He asked in awe. "This is something we found not too long ago," Thompson replied. He pointed to a medium sized building towards the left, then continued, "That's Dr. Catherine Halsey's laboratory, where we examine that thing," He pointed to the large gray structure in the distance. He concluded his explanation, "Follow me, this isn't exactly what I wanted to show you,". They walked down a ramp, across a tiny bridge, and Aegis saw a wolf spider sentry turret. "Quite a security measure," He told Thompson. "What we're guarding down here is top secret. We need to keep it protected," Thompson replied.

The two walked to where the lab was, and Aegis was hoping they wouldn't go inside. He didn't approve of the spartan program, even if he was one. He looked at Halsey as a child kidnapper, and a bad person in general. If he had to meet her, he wouldn't enjoy a bit of it. The two started walking up a small incline, going towards the main door. Fortunately, they turned to the right, and kept moving along. The two walked down a small hill, and went up to a door to a much smaller building.

Aegis looked at the cliff next to them while Thompson unlocked the door. It went down very far, and he couldn't see an end to the drop. "Ah, there we go," Thompson mumbled to himself as the door opened. Thompson walked in, followed by Aegis. A marine sat on a chair, watching what looked like a jail cell. It looked like he was sleeping. "Corporal, how's the prisoner doing?" Thompson delightfully asked the marine. There was no answer. "Sleeping on the job, again?" He angrily asked himself. The room had an eery feeling, and it was very dark. Aegis felt intimidated just being in the room. Thompson went to touch the soldier's shoulder. He touched it, and the marine fell over. He was dead. Suddenly, a figure dropped from the ceiling, and stabbed Thompson in the head. Before Aegis could bring up his assault rifle, the figure pushed him over and ran out of the building with Thompson's magnum.

Aegis tried to get up, but lost his balance yet again. He attempted to get up a second time, and he was successful. He picked up his assault rifle, and sprinted out of the door. He saw the figure running away, towards a pelican. As he ran, he got a closer look at the figure. It was, in fact, a black and red spartan. Aegis kept running, and fired a whole magazine as he ran. At least half of the bullets hit the spartan, but his shields stayed up. The spartan ran across a bridge, and before they could do anything, he shot the two marines next to the pelican, hitting both clean in the head. He was too fast for Aegis to gain any ground on him. Sirens started blaring from the lab, and marines came from the elevator that Aegis had come from. Before the spartan could fully start up the engine, Aegis made it. He ran inside the pelican, and the spartan walked out of the cockpit with his hands up. Aegis pointed his assault rifle at the spartan. "Well, looks like you at least have the sense to put your hands up!" Aegis yelled over the pelican. "You could just get out of here, now! I don't want to kill you!" the spartan loudly replied. Aegis had the upper hand, so he didn't give up. The pelican started to rise, and he was caught off guard. The spartan rushed Aegis and pushed him out of the pelican. He held on to the platform with his fingertips. "Name's Stone, and I have more sense than you think!" he yelled as he kicked Aegis' fingers off. He fell, and it hurt his shields a bit when he landed. As Aegis looked up, the pelican rose faster, and the marines were behind him shooting at it. A marine gave him a hand, and helped him up from the ground. Unfortunately, the pelican had gotten away. Aegis looked at the two marines that Stone had killed. He couldn't help but feel worried, and had a bad feeling in his gut. He then turned around, and saw an old woman in a lab coat looking right at his visor.  

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