Chapter 4: Doctor Halsey

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Aegis sat at a table in a nearly empty room. The walls were black, and one light shone from above. Two others were also with him: a middle-aged marine, and the infamous Dr. Halsey herself. The marine was bald, but had brown eyebrows, and had no facial hair. His face had wrinkles all over it, and there were bags under his eyes. Aegis' helmet was on the table, his weapons not with him.

The marine started the interrogation with a question, "Can you tell me how Thompson was killed?".

Aegis tried to act tough in front of the two other people, and replied to the question, "We walked into the tiny, prison building, and we saw a soldier sleeping on a chair," They both nodded their heads, as Aegis continued with the story.

"Thompson went to tap the soldier's shoulder to wake him up, and when he did, the soldier fell over. He was dead already, definitely killed by Stone. Stone dropped from the ceiling after the body fell over, stabbed Thompson in the head, grabbed his magnum, and pushed me over. He finally took off out the door.".

Halsey intervened "And how, exactly, David, did he get away from you? Was it that hard to recapture him?".

Aegis started again with storytelling, "Well, Dr., he's got more experience than me. He's older than me, isn't he? Besides, you can just get Noble Team to chase after him."

Halsey started talking again, "Let me rephrase that. Tell me how he got away from you,".

Aegis felt like he was in a very bad place. With his dislike for Halsey, and his age, he raised his tone, and started talking again. "I think it's pretty obvious. I chased him to the pelican, I pointed my gun at him, and he had a few tricks up his sleeve,".

Halsey laughed at his attempt to intimidate them both, and Aegis talked again, "Why are you laughing? I've got the armor here, and the specialized military training. I'm not the person to mess with right now,".

Halsey laughed even more. "We're done for now. Take him back to the cell,". The marine motioned Aegis to get up.

But he sat there, and he wouldn't move. "Come on! Move it now!" the soldier yelled. Aegis still sat there, unresponsive. The soldier took the magnum from his holster, and pointed it at Aegis. "Are you gonna move, or do I have to shoot you?" He angrily said. Aegis didn't move an inch. He thought to himself "What am I getting into here?". The soldier pointed the gun directly at his head.

With quick reflexes, Aegis hit the magnum so it pointed up. The soldier shot, and hit the ceiling with the bullet. The shot was so loud that Aegis' ears were ringing violently. He headbutted the marine, and took the magnum. He pointed the magnum at halsey, who, weirdly, was standing there observing.

Aegis made a smart remark "Am I the one to fear now?". Halsey replied "So you spartan III's are resourceful. They do need to pick smarter people for the program, however,". A squadron of marines rushed into the room, all pointing their guns at Aegis. He dropped the magnum, and put his hands up.

"Now, take him back to the cell. And it's best we keep this situation within this room. We don't want others getting any bright ideas," Dr. Halsey smugly ordered the team.

The next night, Aegis sat in the same prison cell that Stone did. He sat in the corner, wondering why he had done what he did. He cursed under his breath whenever he thought about the incident that had occurred the day before. He wondered what time it was, and went to ask one of the guards. He got up, and went to the door. Before he could say anything, the bald soldier and a team of soldiers walked into the building. One marine opened the door, and let Aegis out.

The bald soldier started talking, "Come on, Aegis, you're being released,". He followed the soldiers, which brought him up the elevator, and into the command room right beside the atrium of Sword Base. Another high ranking officer stood there, waiting for the party to arrive.

It was very early morning, and outside it was pitch black, with the exception of some lights outside of the base. Weirdly, the whole base was lit up, and people were rushing around. The officer had a blonde buzz cut, and he was a tall guy. He was nearly the height of Aegis.

He reported to Aegis, "Spartan, I'm glad to see you're doing okay,".

Aegis wondered what time it was, "What time is it, sir?". The officer replied, and then continued, "0100, soldier. I'm guessing you're wondering why you're being released, especially after only one day,".

Aegis replied to his suggestion "That strikes me as odd, yes.". The officer continued informing Aegis, "Two spartans from Noble Team went on a recon op not too long ago. They found something, something that we can't keep on this planet.".

Aegis suspected that it was Stone that they found, and asked, "What did they find, sir?". The officer tapped the holographic table, and a video appeared on the largest computer screen. Aegis was shocked. A huge Covenant force was on the monitor. "An invasion force? Does that mean we're going to war?".

The officer answered his question, "That's exactly what this means,". Aegis now knew exactly why he was being pulled out of the cell. The officer finished, "You'd better get some sleep, soldier. We fight tomorrow,".  

The Rogue Spartans (Halo based)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें