Chapter 5: Calm Before the Storm

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Several hours after Noble Team's reconnaissance mission, the UNSC forces of Reach prepared to go to war. The first attack was to happen in a rocky desert, on the continent of Eposz, in the Viery Territory. A clash was going to happen between the UNSC and the Covenant, and the UNSC was going to use warthogs, scorpions, and falcons against the Covenant. Aegis' first orders were to fight in this battle. He was transported to the Forward Operating Base via falcon, and was told to report to the leaders of the charge. He was also told that they were spartans of Noble Team, so he was excited to meet them. The falcon landed, and he anxiously made his way to a large tent. He walked through the doorway, and there stood Noble Two, and the notorious Noble Six. Aegis stood at attention, and reported to the two spartans.

"Noble Six and Noble Two, Spartan 328, Aegis, reporting for duty,". Kat looked up from the table as he started talking, and B-312 was already looking at him.

Kat advised him, "At ease, soldier,". Aegis dropped his chest, and let his hands free from his sides. Kat then continued, "We're leading a full attack force against theirs. Our goal is to eliminate anti-air guns stationed around the area to allow the frigates Saratoga and Grafton to give air support to our troops, and order MAC strikes on three spires we've found in the area as well,". Aegis took in every bit of information, but this operation seemed very risky. Kat kept talking,"These spires all have large plasma-based shields around them, so we need to bring down the shields before letting the frigates engage. We aren't aware of what the spires' purposes are, but it wouldn't be smart to leave them standing, would it? Our team will take the first one, and we will have you and the remaining forces with you deal with the second one. The third one, we can take together,". Kat had finished briefing Aegis, and B-312 still hadn't said a word. Before Aegis could ask questions, two more spartans walked through the entrance at the other side of the tent.

One of them asked Kat, "And who is this, Kat?". All of them looked at Aegis, who was shocked by who he was in the same presence as.

Kat answered Carter's question,"This is spartan 328. He's taking part in our counter-attack,". Carter and Jorge were the ones who had walked in. Aegis had heard so much about Noble Team, and he was surrounded by the legends of his own kind.

Carter then walked past Jorge, and around the table. "I'm Carter, leader of Noble Team. Glad to have you onboard, spartan," He said as he went to shake Aegis' hand. Aegis shook Carter's hand with pride. He also noticed Jorge standing there. He had never met a spartan II, but he had heard the legends about them as well. He had heard about Red Team, who mysteriously disappeared nearly twenty years before, and about black team. He also heard about Blue Team, which seemed to be the most famous. Aegis looked at Noble Six, who was checking his grenade launcher that was previously on his back. There was something menacing about him. Maybe it was his background, or just how he looked. Aegis then said his goodbyes to the members of Noble Team, and walked back outside. The bright Reach sun hurt his eyes when he got out of the tent. He gained his sight again, and he went to the staging area. Marines walked around, some telling others where to go. Aegis went to a marine who wore a helmet.

He asked, "Marine, where do you need me?".

The marine looked up at him, and countered his question with another question, "would you rather drive a warthog, or drive a scorpion? I'm sure you don't want to drive a mongoose."

The Spartan knew what he wanted, "I haven't driven a scorpion in a while. I'll use one of those,".

The marine acknowledged his answer, "Okay, Spartan, we leave in half an hour". Aegis went to a scorpion as the marine pointed to one, and said "that one right there. A marine will be over to man the gun turret soon." Aegis waved goodbye as he walked over to the tank. When he approached it, he climbed onto the left tread. He opened the driver's canopy, and looked inside at the controls. This was, in fact, the same model he was trained with. Back in the academy, he came in first place in every vehicular challenge. He knew exactly what he was doing when it came to vehicles, and tanks were no exception. Aegis closed the canopy, and took off his helmet. He sat on the right tread, and put his helmet beside him. After relaxing for a few minutes, an ODST came over to him, and started talking to Aegis. His armor was black as a primary, and the secondary color was a light blue.

He stopped walking, and started talking to Aegis, "ODST F5724, Stephen here. I've been told to report you."

Aegis ,confused, said, "Are you sure you're at the right scorpion? I was told a marine would be coming here."

Stephen answered his question, "they figured you would be happier if an ODST was on your scorpion's turret."

Aegis nodded his head, and tapped the tread next to him as he said "Take a seat". Stephen put his DMR on his back, and sat on the tread where Aegis tapped his hand. Aegis acted a bit less relaxed now. He sat up straight, and looked down with his hands in his lap. They both sat there for a few minutes, and Aegis asked Stephen a question, "So, how old are you?"

Stephen sat up a bit "I'm 20 years as of three weeks ago".

Aegis looked up, and said "Really? So am I. Where are you from?"

Stephen answered his question, with a happier tone "I'm from Earth. My Dad was from here, but he moved to Earth after his tour of duty was over. You?"

Aegis acknowledged his answer "Reach, actually."

Stephen couldn't help but feel a bit of sympathy "We will save Reach. Don't worry about it."

The two both looked at the front, as Carter started talking to the army "Alright everyone. We're moving out now. We keep a square formation, and maintain the speed of the scorpions. I will be leading the counterattack inside a falcon with Noble Five, while Noble Two and Six will lead in a warthog. Any questions?" The crowd of vehicles and soldiers was quiet. All they could hear was the wind. Carter finished his speech, "No questions, then? All right. It's time to send these Covenant back to the Hell they came from!" Everyone cheered, and the marines yelled "Ooh-Rah!". The UNSC forces started up their vehicles. Stephen hopped into the scorpion machine-gun turret. Aegis took one more breath, and put his helmet back on his head. He opened the canopy again, and hopped into the driver's seat. He turned on the engine, and it made a loud, rumbling sound. The vehicles started to move out, and Aegis followed the army, into the Battle of Viery.   

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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