Chapter 11

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Harry's P.O.V

Jesy was on the floor with her neck open with two holes. And my one and only, Emily. Laying helplessly in a pool of her blood. Her arm had many cuts on them. I'm not that worried, it's not like Jackson put venom in her. Louis can easily heal her. His special power is to heal people. Jackson wanted Emily too. He said she was his. But unfortunalty I got to her first. Which makes her mine. Zayns one retard to let her go. He knows about Jackson and how he's fucken mental in the brain. I send a mind message to the boys to come here . But they have to tame there self considering there's a pool of blood on the floor.

I walk over to Emily's body and pick her up out of her blood pool. He heart is... Oh my god it's moving very slow. Louis better hurry now!!! I forgot humans have hearts! The door opens and I hear Liam and Louis talk as they walk around looking for me.

"In here! Hurry!" I shout. Louis rushes in.

"Holy shit. Harry! What happened?!" Louis asks while dodging from stepping in the blood.

"Jackson. Jackson happened now hurry the hell up and heal her!" I nearly yell.

"Alright alright." Louis says obviously annoyed.

"What about her?" Liam asks pointing to Jesy laying on the floor. She didnt loose much blood I'm sure she's fine all I'm worrying about is Emily.

"What's going on in here?" I hear Niall say as he walks in.

"Where's Zayn?" I ask. I bet he's just a pussy to see me ,afraid ill beat him up is he.

"Oh um. He wanted to stay back at the place" Niall says uneasily.

"We'll get a mop and start cleaning this place and we have to take both of them home"

"What the?" I hear a girl voice say. Emily?!

She screams. "Get away from me!"

"Don't worry love it's just me" trying to calm her down. Her arm looks perfectly fine now , good thing we have Louis for these type of things. It's like she lost no blood at all.

She stares at me. "Harry?" She says weakly. "I-is Jesy alright?"

"Yea she's gonna be fine she just got bit. My mate Lou will heal her though.

"H-heal?" She stutters.

"Yea we all have different powers since we're vampires. And he can heal."

Her eyes just gaze into mine. It's not awkward at all . She's sitting on the kitchen floor I'm kneeling by her and Niall is wiping up blood and Louis is trying to help Jesy. Because he can't heal bites that's well. Weird scenario, but it feels like me and her are the only one existent. She breaks the gaze by leaning in and wrapping her arms around my neck.

I stand up and she slowly gets off the floor. She walks out the kitchen and I hear her say "oh my god." She probably saw Jesy lying on the couch.

"There I cleaned it , so if anyone comes in there apartment while there gone they won't see any blood. It's like it never happened." Niall says sounding proud of how good and fast he cleaned everything.

"What the hell did you guys do to her?!" Emily's shouts.

"Listen we didn't do it" I hear Liam say.

"It was this guy. Jackson. He's beyond horrid.

Emily's P.O.V

"Jackson?" I question.

"Yeah , he's out for you. He supposivly has a "claim" on you too. And all he wants to do is hurt you. So you and your friend are coming with us back home" Um no. Home? It's not my home. If anything its just a prison.

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