Chapter 23

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Kay well you guys should all know my fanfic swears much. So yeah. And there is some scences. There will be more. So just a warning.



Emily's P.O.V

I lightly open up my eyes and see the tv on.

I stretch my feet out across the bed and hit something. I sit up and look to see what I hit.

It was Harry. He had no shirt on and was tangled up in the sheets hanging halfway off the bed, almost upside down.

Little soft snores were heard.

I looked at his pale chest, I didn't know vampires slept.

It's about 7:00pm. Wow I slept for a long time.

I grabbed my iPod that was on the side of the bed. I sure wish I had my phone..

There's free wifi at this hotel, I log into it and download the app Instagram. I log onto my account and immeadialtly have alot of notifications. Some from about a week ago during the wedding. I haven't made contact with any of my family , and neither has Jesy. People are probaly getting curious.

I'm debating if I should dare say anything. Now that I'm a wanted 'criminal' supposivly. I don't even know.

Movement comes from the side of the bed. Harry's awake now.

"Good evening styles." I chuckle.

"Emily turn off the tv." He mumbles covering his eyes from the brightness.

"No, I'm watching it." I whine.

He stands up and slips on his tshirt.
"We're going to New York in 2 days."
He says.

"But why? I don't even have any clothes. I don't know what's going on." Which is true. I only knew them for about a week. One already turned out to be a backstabber.

"We'll do you ever wanna see Jesy again?"

"Yea." I feel disappointed, I got her in this mess, and now she's well... I don't even know.

"So what's up with Jesy?" I ask and Harry's eyes hits the floor.

"Um.." He pauses.

"She's um."

"God dammit! Just tell me!"

"She's a vampire. And she's locked in a closet coughing up blood because she's going through the vampire transformation." He's days quickly.

"What?!" I yell back and stand up from the bed.

"There was really nothing I could do. Once the venom is in her she's going to be a vampire, it's done." He try's to keep calm.

I walk closer to him. "Fuck you." I say through gritted teeth.


"Don't say it wasn't your fault." I snap.


"No Harry, no. You know exactly what I'm referring too. If you never 'claimed' me. I wouldn't be in this hell hole."

"It's actually a pretty nice hotel ju-"

"Harry I'm talking about you!"
I'm being real harsh, maybe I should chill.

"Me!? Me?! It's not my problem I'm a vampire ok!" He snaps as he steps closer to me.

I try to think of a comeback but I'm just lost.
"I'm sorry Harry, I'm sorry. I'm just really upset. I'm so lost, I don't know what to do anymore." I sob.

He doesn't say anything but giving me a light kiss on the corner of my mouth.

Without thinking I crash my lips to his.

Right away I feel him kiss back.

Deepening it I feel his tounge skim my bottom lip asking for entrance.

For some reason I granted it and felt his tounge roam my mouth.

"Jump." Harry mutters in the kiss.

I jump and my legs wrap around his waist. He walks over to the bed and lightly sets me down without breaking the kiss.

Both of his knees are on both side of my waist.

A light moan slips out of my mouth.
I want to feel pain. To let this all away.

"Bite me." I mutter.

He disconnects his lips from my neck.

"What?" He says confusingly.

"Bite me, now."

"No I don't want to hurt-"

"You know you want too." I practically pant.

He just stares.

"Harry do it!" I yell.

He gets startled but right away he pushes me down back on the bed and lightly kisses my neck.

My fingers tangle in his curls. The thing I love most about him,he looks up at me and his eyes are yellow. I knew he was hungry.

I give him a confirming nod and right away I feel two sharp teeth dig into my neck.

I let out a whimper but it feels so damn good.

I slowly feel the blood draining from my body.

I think Harry realized that was enough because right away he moved his mouth from my neck.

My vision was somewhat blurry. I could see his face my blood all around his mouth. His eyes softened when he saw me just laying there speechless. My lips parted a little before I shut my eyes.


Waking up for the second time. I get up and I feel so awake. I hop out the bed quickly and realize I'm In different clothes. I'm in a white t shirt and boxers. I'm assuming these are Harry's.I look at the clock and it's 8:00am. Wow I slept the whole night.

I walk over to the mirror to see my face all cleaned up but two little holes in my neck.

My used to be brown straight hair is now a bit wavy.

I hear a knock at the door. I slowly open it and its Kate.

"Hey." She says softly and walks right into the room.

"Your neck, did Harry bite you?" She asks.

"Yeah, but it's nothing I wanted him too."

"Oh.. So that's what you were yelling." She trails off.

"You heard that?"

"Yup. Everything." My eyes go wide.

"Oh, so where are the boys?" I change the subject.

"They all went shopping, were leaving to New York City tomorrow."

"Yeah, I'm only going because I'm not leaving Jesy behind."

"Same here. And also because I have no other choice. Niall is so protective." Just like Harry.

"By the way, nice clothes." Kate giggles.

"Oh yeah, I have no clue how I got into these." I chuckle.

I hear a key. And the door opens. Harry has alot of bags and Liam follows him with more bags.

"Here." Harry says, handing me a bag, then another, then another.

"How much did you buy?" I question.

"Alot." He hands Kate bags too and comes back with more.

Liam drags in some suitcases.
There's a blue suitcase and a purple one.
"Start packing." Harry says.

"Harry we have nothing to pack." Kate says.

"We'll what do you think all these bags are full of. Now pack."

I reach into a bag and feel clothes. I pull out a hoodie from Hollister. It's my size too.

"How did you know my size?"

"We'll I was the one who undressed you. How else did you get in those snazzy clothes." He smirks

I ignore his comment and me and Kate continue to look through all the bags of clothes.

It's so much nice stuff.

"Louis bring in the shoes." Harry yells and sure enough Louis comes walking in with 4 big boxes of shoes I'm assuming.

My mouth is probably wide open.
"Now you guys are going to share these items okay, no fighting." Liam adds.

I nod quickly. Really excited to look through the boxes. I can see the look on Kate's face too.

"Thanks Harry." Kate smiles.

"Yeah, thanks, but you really didnt have to. I mean how much did you spend on all of this?"

"That doesn't really matter does it. I'm making it up to you for what I have done." Harry says.

I get up and walk towards Harry. I wrap my arms around him. And he puts his arms on my waist.

"Thanks." I mumble into his chest.

Kate gets up and joins the hug.
"Group hug!" Harry yells. And right away Niall walks in the room.

"Horan hug!" He yells. As his big arms wrap around everyone. Louis and Liam join too.

An I'm hear, stuck in the middle.

It's werid, Harry and the boys make me feel better than my own family.

And there vampires, not even human.
Maybe this is my destiny. To be with inhumane people. And my bestfriends.

I wanted my old life back, but do I really?


Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I was sick,I'm returning the favor to you by double updating today!(: so later be prepared for another chapter.

Thanks for reading Ilya.

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