Chapter 29

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Harry's P.O.V

"Shhh it's me Emily" I hush into her ear.

Once I went through the window I saw her sitting on the couch staring at the floor. I decided on not making a scene. I just swooped her up like a hawk and went in this nearest room. She hasn't even saw my face but I feel like she already knew of who it could've been.

"H-Harry?" She whispers

"Yes babe it's me." I say near her ear.

The room is dark I think we're in a bathroom.

"EMILY!" I hear a voice yell. Jackson.

Emily tenses I lay my chin on top of her head.

"Just wait a while he can't find us, well I don't think so. I have your scent he can't smell you."

Emily doesn't say anything but she's confirming in her mind.

I don't know what he did to her but she seems scared. The thoughts of what he might've did to her makes me angry. Furious actually. But I'm not in the mood to beat the shit out of anyone. So ill just sneak her out and look for Jesy.

Did Jesy help Jackson?

"EMILY WHERE ARE YOU?!" Jackson voice sounds closer. Foot steps come closer.

I put my hand over Emily's mouth so I can calm down her breathing.

It's silent.

"EMILY I KNOW YOUR IN THIS HOUSE!" He's infront of the door.

I feel Emily's breath on my hand. I love feeling the warmth of her.

The foot step continue moving down the hall. I step back and sit on the toilet.

"Lets go." She whispers but it seemed like yelling to me.

"No if we run he will smell our trail were just going to wait and simply escape like humane people."

"I am human"

"Yeah yeah I know." I huff.

"Did he hurt you?"

"No, just yelling in my face." She says softly.

"Come here." I say patting on my lap. Good thing the toilet seat is on or else I would fall in.

She walks over slowly and sits between my legs.

I wrap my arms around her to embrace her in protection. I want her to know ill do anything for her.

"Stay here I check if we have a chance to leave." I muffle in her hair. She nods and I sit up.

Ill just teleport to the hallway.
I disappear and end up in the hallway, immediately I hear someone in the kitchen. Fuck he might be in there and the front door is there too. Maybe we can go through a window.

I go back in the bathroom and grab Emily bridal style and teleport back in the hallway with lightening speed.

Without a word she sits there silently.
I find a stairwell and walk slowly to make less noise.

Where can I find a window with a safe landing? I reach the top of the stairs and peak in each room.

I choose to go in a room with white walls and a red bed. This might be Masons room.

I open the window slightly and set Emily down.

"No" she whispers looking into my eyes.

"We have too or else were going to have to fight Jackson and he obviously doesn't die, it's not that easy."

"Fine, only because I just want to get to a nice bed and sleep."

"Good girl." I smirk.

She returns with a smile and steps out on the roof, bending over I get a good view of her bum.

Thoughts run through my head. But they go away when Emily motions me to come out.

I step out on the roof and shut the window.

"Okay don't walk in the f-" I get cut off by a knock on the window.

Emily looks behind me and her eyes fill with fear. I don't dare to look back because I already know who it is.

The window slides open and I hear the voice I despise the most.

Jesys P.O.V

"Go find Mason or something." Jackson snaps.

"Okay." With that I sped off to find Mason. Jackson was being a jerk anyways I wanted to get away from him. He can go find his 'precious' Emily. I honestly don't give a fuck about Emily no more.

Yes I do.

I really don't know anymore,
I been acting so odd back and forth I don't know how to control it.

I sent a mind message to Mason and haven't got no reply. Harry probably beat his ass.

Let me just try to smell his scent.

All I smell is humans. Blood.
I don't want to hurt anyone. Do I? Ugh I need to make up my mind.

"Hey." I hear a husky voice behind me.

I turn around to see mason.

"Oh hi I was just looking for you."

He didnt say anything. I was about to say something until he pushed me up againist the wall. My back slammed hard on the brick wall in the alley.

I made a oof noise. "Jeez mason what's up with you?"

"No need to talk babe." He hushes in my ear. I try to fight back considering I'm real strong now but for some reason I can't even move.

His lips get closer to one and were inches away. I was expecting him to make the first move but instead I did.

Are lips crash. I feel his tongue swipe my bottom lip, accepting entrance he explores my mouth. His hands stretch down and squeeze my bum causing me to chuckle during the kiss. I pull away catching my breathe.

"I like you." I smirk at him.

"I like you too."


So now there something going
on between Jesy and mason?ooh.
Ill update tomorrow. Thanks for reading Ilya.

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