Floor one(Part A)

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*Suggestion for this floor's challenge from weberalla123*

We waited until the big blue star that must be this place's sun was halfway through the sky to step into the tower. When I first put my hands on the two big, metal doors, I warned them, "this isn't going to be easy, I hope you two are ready."
"Yeah right, if you were even able to get to the top, it must be pretty dang easy," Austin said rolling his eyes.
I ignored his remark, and pushed open the tall, heavy doors.

We stepped into the large, round, stone-walled room, dimly lit by torches lining the walls. We were standing on a stone platform, but everywhere else, there were no floors, or if there was a floor, it was so far down from the platform that there was no way that you could see it, or survive a fall from this height. On the other side of the room, there was a rusty metal ladder leading up to a large hole in the ceiling with bright light shining through it. I pointed at the ladder. "That's the way to the next floor, all we need to do for this one is get over there..."
"No duh! It's literally a ladder leading up to a different floor, we obviously don't want to go to it," Austin said sarcastically. I sighed, then stepped forward to the front of the platform. I heard a click, and suddenly, giant stone pillars began rising from the darkness beneath us. At the same time, a slab of stone began to sink from the ceiling. All of the stone pillars stopped when they reached the level of the platform, and stopped with a loud click that echoed through the large room. "What the heck just happened?" Austin asked, irritated. "Well this is how we get across to the ladder. I think we need to jump on them, or at least, that's what I remember from the first time I did this" I responded. "But first we need to-"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm getting out of here"said Austin. Putting one foot on a close-by pillar. The second his foot made contact with the pillar, it crumbles beneath him. He jumped back onto the platform, blankly staring at where the pillar used to be. "Yeah, this is why you need to listen to me." I said, smirking. I heard Ruby quietly giggle behind me. Austin rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Anyway, what I was saying, is that the stone slab that came down from the ceiling, has writing engraved into it. Don't you think that we should read it before we start?" I said. Austin sighed, "I guess you're right. Let's read it, then we get out of here."

"I'm afraid that's not going to do you any good, my friend," the deep voice bellowed, echoing through the room.

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