Chapter Six

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"He's serious, Alice."

Matt glanced beyond the stiffening body in front of him and sighed. "Emmie?"


Alice blocked his way when he tried to step toward the door, placing her hand flat on his chest. Her eyelids closed in a seductive way as she lowered her voice an octave. "Tell her to leave us be, Matt."

He didn't believe the woman.

"You need to take your hands off my man." Emma moved into the center of the room. "I'm not warning you again, Alice."

Even in subdued anger, Emmie's voice got to him. But now it wasn't just that sexy voice of hers making him hard, it was her entire attitude. She looked so fierce, standing in the middle of the room with her hands clamped into fists, as if ready to punch someone. Matt felt a grin move over his mouth, but he forced it away. Yet he didn't wipe it away quick enough, as Emma's eyes narrowed slightly before she shook her head and moved toward him.

"I said." Emma stopped within inches of his side. "Take your hands off him, you bitch."

"Bitch?" Sharp nails pierced into his chest as Alice tightened her hands around the material of his shirt. "Bitch?"


The woman actually looked startled. "How can you call me that? I thought you were my friend."

"And I thought you were mine."

When Alice dropped her hands from his chest, he slipped behind the desk, away from the battle zone. His gaze want from Alice to Emmie, then back to Alice. The blonde glared at him before focusing her sharp temper on Emmie. "You really think he prefers you over me, don't you?"

Emmie glanced quickly up at him. She studied him for a long time before relaxing her guard and looking at her co-worker. A sweet grin lifted one side of her mouth.

"Just because you spent one night with him, it doesn't mean anything," Alice declared. "Just one night won't be enough for a man like him."

"No, it's not enough."

Alice twisted to face him, a triumphant look burning from her eyes. He stared at the blonde for a long moment before wandering past her toward the dark-haired woman standing so quiet and still in the middle of the room. He traced his hands down her arms, feathering his fingertips over her clenched fists. She relaxed them slowly as her anger left her.

"With a woman like you, one night isn't enough." He pulled Emmie in tightly against him, traveling his fingers through her soft hair. "I still have a lot of shit I have to get over, but I'd like to attempt it with you."

She inhaled a deep breath, pressing her full breasts into his chest. "As your counselor?"

"No, not my counselor."


A light slap broke the spell, and he turned to the pissed-off blonde. "Bob is waiting for you."

"B-bob?" she sputtered out. "You're serious, aren't you?"

He glanced down at Emmie. "Yeah, I am."

* * * *

Emma couldn't believe this was happening. She couldn't believe this hot, sexy man actually chose her. She had no clue how long their relationship would last or where it would go. But she did know one thing: it would last more than just one night.

"I can't believe you would choose Emma over me."

She shook her thoughts aside and glanced over at her so-called friend. "You know what I can't believe?" She didn't give Alice time to wonder. "I can't believe I ever called you my friend."

"We still are, Emma."

Emma shook her head. "Everyone told me to stay away from you, but I didn't listen."

"They're just jealous of our relationship."

She looked over at the woman for only a moment before glancing up at Matt. "Do you have time for a cup of coffee?"

He nodded.

"Let's go see if anyone made any."

Emmie followed Matt out of the office. A hard grasp pulled her shirt, and she twisted around, slamming Alice's hand away from her arm. "Go find Bob, Alice."

"I don't want Bob anymore."

"Too bad." She pushed her away from her and backed out of the office. "No man near me wants you."

Matt's arms encircled her waist. "No truer words were ever spoken."

"That's nice to hear." She leaned into him, enjoying the feel of his firm body against her. "Still want to get coffee? We have a few minutes before the clients start arriving. Time to talk for a while. I want to hear all about Rebecca."

He relaxed completely behind her. "And I want to tell you about her."

"Good." She added, "But I'll want to hear it all."

"I'm willing to do that."

"Good." She took his hand and stepped away from the door. "You know people are going to talk. I'm sure Alice will be telling everyone about how I took advantage of a sick man."

"People always talk, Emmie."

She stopped him near the receptionist's desk. "But I was your counselor, Matt. That will make it ten times worse."

"Don't worry." He traced one finger over her cheek, pressing her bottom lip. "In a few weeks they will all forget. You know how these things go, don't you?"

"Yes, but—"

He shook his head. "Let's go get that coffee."

"I'm sure Alice and Bob have already started the rumor mill going."


Emma tried to push her guilt back down, but didn't manage it. "Are you sure?"

"Coffee's good for now," he whispered, tracing his finger over her bottom lip. "But the rest I want will have to wait until after work."

"Well, if you're sure..." She forced the shame away and took his hand. "I really need some coffee."

Rumors be damned.


Just One NightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora