two: really elijah

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Jarvis woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and still a little uncertain of lastnight's happenings. He didnt know if that was the real Elijah or not and that was currently bothering him severely. Sighing, the boy shakes his head and walks to his closet for his tee shirt. After swiping on some axe deodorant and spraying on some light body spray, he puts his shirt on and stalks to his dresser for some shorts to match.

When he was finished dressing, he styles his hair in a swept back quiff and adds a little gel to keep the shape. He washes his hands of the gel and brushes his teeth with his mint toothpaste. Finally ready, Jarvis grabs his keys, his gift for his love, and his book and walks out of his front door, locking it behind him. On the steps to his apartment, he looks out into the sky and takes a deep breath in and holds it for a few seconds before releasing it. He was ready for his meeting.

The 19 year old hops into his car and speeds to the Barnes and noble that Elijah would be signing books and tee shirts at. He needed to be there before anyone else, including Mr. Daniels, got there. He reached his destination and it was secluded besides a few of the works' cars, apparently nobody thought to get here earlier than needed like him.

Jarvis smiled to himself and went inside the store to look around until Eli arrived. About 30 minutes passed before he saw a black car pull up outside the front window. He couldn't see who was inside but he just knew it was Elijah. The boy wiped his now sweaty palms on his shorts and cleared his throat. He was ready for this.

Right before he could walk out to greet the man, he heard a loud commotion from behind him. He turned his head towards the sound and saw three large men carrying one table each. He watched as they set them up side by side and then understood that they were for his love. He guessed that Eli would be sitting at the one in the middle and there would probably be giveaways at the other two table beside him.

Jarvis could feel his giddiness rise at the thought of Elijah being a mere three feet away from his lone body. He jumped in surprise when, once again, a door chime that he didnt notice earlier told the large store of a new customer. His body twisted around and he saw the man of his hour walks in the door and in his direction.

The yuppie fell but before he could meet the ground, strong arms wrapped around his body and held him to the owner's chest. He could feel the warmth radiating off of the male's body and knew from the sparks that were going haywire that he was in Elijah's arms. With no control over his body or mind for thy matter, he snuggled closer to the warm embrace he was wrapped in. Elijah cleared his throat and Jarvis was out of his grip in seconds.

"I-Im sorry sir, t-t-thank you f-for sa-saving me," he fumbles with his words.

"Kid, you really need to lose the stutter. It might be cute and all because youre nervous as hell around me, but its annoying as f•ck," Elijah says calmly.

Looking shocked, Jarvis stares at the man in awe. Was Elijah saying the two had met before? After not replying, the man walks away to talk to the store owner and the boy stands there dumbfounded. He could see his love getting settled at his table in the middle and another hour later, people started arriving for the book signing.

When the yuppie looks towards Elijah's table after watching all of the other people arrive, he saw that a line had accumulated and rushed to stand behind the last person. He couldn't believe he had gotten distracted when he'd been here for two hours!

He stood there patiently in line for what seemed like hours before the line was disappeared and it was just him and Elijah. He placed his book on the table and let out a breath of relief. The 22 year old stared at him in curiosity and Jarvis could feel his stomach twisting into knots from the intense look he was being given.

He cleared his throat and the man looked him in his blue eyes that he'd gotten from his father, Donald. Elijah had to hold back his gasp from the crystal color of the boy's eyes. They were so beautiful and were sparkling with happiness and an emotion he couldn't quite decipher. Elijah broke their stare with a husky voice,

"What would you like me to sign?"

"U-Um would you maybe say 'Jarvis, youre very handsome and I'll love you forever' then just put your number so i can call you?"

Eli lets out a chuckle from the boy's words, "why of course." He signs the book and with a wink, the book is slammed closed. The man abruptly stands up making Jarvis back away instinctively. With newly darkened eyes. Elijah jumps across the table to stand directly in front of the yuppie. He leans forward until his hot breath is fanning over the boy's cheek and whispers in his ear.

"Im staying in the hotel down the road, come meet me at the front doors tonight at midnight," he hotly licks a stripe from the base of Jarvis' neck to the tip of his ear before taking the lobe between his teeth and pulling it gently. The 19 year old lets out a groan and Elijah steps back with a mischievous smirk on his face, "I'll see you tonight baby." The last thing the boys sees of his love is his firm booty walking out of the front door and to the car that was waiting.

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