three: orphan tears

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After watching Elijah leave, the boy sped home and changed into a cute little outfit his bestfriend had gotten him for his 18th birthday. He loved the outfit and had been waiting to wear it so he thought this night to be the perfect time.

He put on his black laced man panties and pulled the black fishnet stockings up his hairy legs. Not knowing what top to wear, he decided on fastening a pair of red suspenders to his stockings and pulling on a black trenchcoat. He strapped up his black heels that he'd stolen from his sister and grabbed his lizards.

He stuffed the combonation of lizards into the trenchcoat pocket and looked at the time on his phone. 11:46. With the time now known, Jarvis jumps up, grabbing his jar of a special alcahol and the small container that he's had saved for this occasion. His feet padded against the flooring of his apartment as he made his way out the door once more, and to Elijah's hotel.

He pulled up to the hotel at 11:58 and quickly raced to find a parking spot. At 12:00 he was standing at the front door, waiting for Elijah to arrive. The man showed up not even a minute later and was pleased to see that Jarvis was already standing there. He let his eyes roam over the boy in confusion at his outfit.

Ignoring his confusion, Elijah grabbed the yuppie's hand and led him inside the place he was staying for a while. They got in the elevator and the top Flore was pressed and Jarvis was shoved up against the wall. The boy let out a winded breath and looked up to see the two were chest to chest. He gulped nervously before Elijah grabbed the back of his neck and smashed tier lips together in a passionate kiss.

The men didnt break apart until they reached the top floor and they were both panting like crazy. The 19 year old was guided into the hotel room and Eli left him to grab some glasses from the kitchen. He came back to see the boy still standing on the side of the room, anxiously picking at his nails.

Jarvis looked up when Elijah came into the room and saw two empty glasses. He grabbed the jar from his pocket and walked over to the man with a smile.

"Have you ever drank orphan tears?" He asked the pretty male in his wake.  With a head shake from Elijah, Jarvis proceeded to pour the liquid content into each of the jars. He watched as the man took a cautious drink of the orphan tears and saw his eyes widen before gulping down the rest of the drink. The boy laughed and pulled out the small container he'd stuck in his pocket earlier.

Elijah's eyes followed his movements the whole time to see the boy open the content, grab one of many small objects out, and start to talk.

"Close your eyes and open your mouth," he ordered. Doing as told, Eli felt a hard solid being placed in his mouth. He moved it around his mouth before chewing it up and swallowing it.

He looked at the yuppie in front of him,"what was that?"

Jarvis answered with joy in his eyes, "dragon nails." Elijah was about to respond before he started to hallucinate. He saw shapes all over and saw a midget with two heads. He felt like his head was going to fall off and his eyes about to explode.

Mr. Daniel took his lay on the couch and closed his eyes. The next time he opened then, his shirt was off and Jarvis was straddling his lap with his hands flat on his chest. He looked over the small boy and saw that he had taken off his trenchcoat and was wearing a very spicy outfit.

Once the boy knew Elijah was awake once more, he reached behind him and grabbed the box he had stuffed in his pocket with the other gifts earlier. He pulled it around and layed the box on the chest he was currently on.

"These are for you. I've been collecting these lizards since i was 7 and i thought they'd be a good gift." he smiled lovingly.

The two stood up so Eli could have a better look when the man suddenly got dizzy.

"Oh Lordy, this is the aftermath of the orphan tears. They affect everyone differently, im so sorry," the boy apologized with sincerity.

Elijah looked at the boy to give his forgiveness and all he saw was some type of goblin.

"Are you alright Eli?" Jarvis questioned.

The 22 year old let out a scream and jumped up, the goblin followed and he didnt know what he was supposed to do. Where did Jarvis go? With no thought in mind, Elijah ran into his hotel kitchen and grabbed the largest knife he could find.

The man hid himself quietly until he heard the thump of footsteps coming near. His breathing picked up and he was scared for his life, where was Jarvis when he was in danger? A head popped around the corner he was hiding at and Elijah closed his eyes from having to see the goblin, he stood abruptly and yanked his hand above his head, then brought the knife down to stab the predator.

He made many puncture holes in the person and felt blood squirting all over him before he passed out.

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