Eight; Going insane

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Once I left the restaurant I went to Edwards apartment, he's allowed me to stay at his as long as I stay out of Gothams mayhem, which I guess I have, well I've sat on building tops, little things like that and watch what's going on with the city, Edwards also promised he wouldn't tell Jack about where I am, he can't know because he'd basically come and get me and I don't want that...not yet!
I was looking in the fridge for milk on my cereal, "Edward! We've ran out of milk!" I shouted much to my annoyance standing up and turning towards the door.
He appeared through the door way, all dressed up in his usual suit, black suit, green tie, deep purple shirt, hair styled perfectly and glasses placed on the bridge of his nose, "get some then!" He said smiling kindly.
"Edward...You're going out aren't you!"
"Nope" he said.
"Why you dressed smartly?"
"I always dress smart!" He said a little hurt, "but I'm having a guest come round!"
"Who?" I asked.
"Jack...why him?" I said interrupting him.
"Yes...he's my friend in some way...and you need to talk to him!"
"Because...You're a nice person and everything but...well I need you to move out!"
"Oh right ok...well I'm not gonna talk to him...not after what I did!"
"That was a accident! And like you said he said it was ok!"
"But it isn't!" I said turning to the window.
"She was bound...to get hurt in some manner" he said trying to cheer me up.
"I guess...she was so young!"
"She was nineteen!" He said smiling.
"Wow...I thought she was like fourteen!" I said nearly laughing.
"Riddle me this...What goes up but never comes down?" He asked.
I laughed because I knew this one, "your age!" I replied.
"Well done...now please go get dressed while I call Jack and ask him to get the much needed milk before he gets here!"
"Yes sir!" I said mockerly, I turned towards the door and walked down the white walled corridor to my room.
It wasn't long before I heard muffled voices and laughter, he's here! I thought, I'd decided I was going to wear my blue, knee high, lacy dress with my black converses, I didn't do much with my hair, I brushed it and it looked fine!
I walked towards the lounge to where the boys were talking, "hey...where's the milk?" I asked interrupting their conversation.
"On the side next to your cereal" Edward said.
"Thanks" I said turning around to the direction of the kitchen, I poured the milk into my breakfast, I decided that I might as well try to speak to Jack without hurting him.
"Breakfast at this time doll?" Jack said.
"Yeah!" I said in between mouth fulls, "why not?"
"True...Nygma says you still feel bad about Harley even after I told you last night it was ok!" Jack said, me and him have been talking for a little bit because Edward left us!
"Did he!" I said finishing my cereal.
"Yeah...don't be please...it's ok...we're having a little funeral for her later! Do you wanna come?" He asked.
"Would you really...you know killed her if she killed me?" I asked curiously.
"I would kill anyone and not think about the consequences if they killed you...and I'd make them suffer....a lot!" He smiled in a sweet way.
"Same...even if that was someone I love dearly...I'd be broken completely! If you died"
"Everyone's broken...let's love the broken ones!" I said smiling to him.
"Lets!" He said before laughing.
"What are you laughing?" I asked smiling.
"You...you looked so serious!" He said smiling to me, "why so serious?" He asked.
"I don't even know!" I replied.
"Will you please come back...I know Nygmas getting sick of you being here, he does things on his own like living on his own, you know!" Jack asked.
"I don't know!"
"Please...it's boring on my own...I don't even know how I survived before!" He said.
"I don't know either!" I said laughing.
"Will you?" He asked again.
"I guess I can try!" I said smiling.
"Yessssssssssssssssss!!!" Edward shouted from the corridor.
"EDWARD......NYGMA......GET IN HERE!!!" Me and Jack shouted nearly unison.
"Damn..." he said revealing his self, "...hey guys..."
"You did that on purpose!" I said interrupting him.
"Did what?" He asked innocently.
"Walk away earlier so we had to talk!" Jack finished.
"Oh....Yeah...well...it worked didn't it?" He asked smiling nervously.
I looked at Jack, Jack looked at me, "yeah!" I said.
"When can you move out?" He said smiling with his eyes.
"Today...tomorrow...whenever as long as it's soon!" Jack said smiling to me.
"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Edward shouted, "now...that's pack!" He said jumping around.
"It's as if you want me out!" I laughed.
"Now melody...I love you...but...I don't live with people usual because well...I don't like people much...but you're welcome here whenever you like...even if I don't like it!"
"Thanks Edward" I laughed.
"And the same with you with me...and melody..." he said looking at me, "...you're always welcome!" He finished.
"I know...now when's the wedding?" Edward asked.
"WOW too far and even if we do get married...who says you're gonna be there!" I said jokingly.
"She's got a point Nygma!" Jack said.
"Ahhh stop being bullies!" He pouted, "no but seriously...when can you go?" He asked smiling.
"Now I guess!" I said, "I only have a few things!"
"Good!" Jack said, "because the sooner we get home the better!" He winked at me.
"Oh my god...gross!" Edward said making barfing sounds.
"Well at least I can get someone!" Jack said smiling.
"Ha I can I just don't, I care more about my studies!" He protested.
"You sound like a loner using his job or education as a excuse!" I laughed.
"Whatever!" He said, "now get up you two! We have work to do!" He said ushering us up.
We packed up all my stuff laughing, it was quite fun to be honest, anyway it turned out just after I left Jack lasted night, he had as he said auditions with the men for places in his as Edward said goons, we laughed about what Jack thinks auditions are! Then we laughed about bane and why he has the mask!
"I think that's everything!" I said smiling to Jack.
"Lets go!" He replied.
"Yeah...lets!" I said grabbing a bag full of clothes.
When we arrived at home! That sounds weird, I were greeted by a man in a sad mask, "can I get your bags?" He asked through his mask.
"No thank you" I replied.
"Wheres boss?" He asked.
"Saying goodbye to Riddler!"
"The riddler? Cool!" He said, I knew he was smiling through his mask.
I laughed, "yeah it is!" I said.
"Hey you're the girl in the mask from last night!"
I nodded, "Ohhh coollll! So who are you...like in the sense of what's between you and boss!" He asked.
"Well umm that's complicated! But let's say I'm the boss really!" I laughed.
"Yes she is!" Jack said putting his arms round my waist.
"Boss...Scarecrow has set up that meeting you wanted!" Mopey said to Jack.
He let go of my waist and stood next to me, "Oh right...send the papers up to my office!" He said smiling his killer smile.
"Yes boss...bye miss" he said before turning around and making his way in the direction of the warehouse.
"Now angel...welcome home!" He said smiling to me.
"Ahahaha thanks handsome!" I replied.
He turned his body to me, "doll...thank you!"
I smiled as he pressed his body against mine, "you know something?"
"What?" I replied.
"I really...really...really want to pick you up and carry you to bed and then...see if eight years has made a difference to you in anyway!" He said looking around innocently before laying them on me.
"What you waiting for then?" I said as he smiled, he put his hands on my waist as I put my arms round his neck.
"Lets go!" He said finally as he picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist, he carried me up the stairs into his office and then his bedroom before kissing me.

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