1. Problems

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Hey guys! So this is actually a sequel to my story You Belong With Me, which you can find on fanfiction.net, under my exact same username. You don't have to read it to understand this though. Anyway, I hope you like this! Please comment and vote ;) love you! -Jackie

Everything Has Changed

Chapter 1

I rolled my eyes at the annoying green eyed, black haired guy who sat next to me on the park bench, eating blue cookies.

Technically, Percy Jackson and I, Annabeth Chase, have only ever had one real date, which was well over a year ago. And I didn't actually count that date as a date, mostly because he treated me the same way he's been treating me since we were twelve: a friend.

So I didn't know what to think of him. He was annoying. Well, annoyingly attractive, especially with those pretty sea green eyes. But he was so oblivious. I wasn't sure if I liked him as a friend or as something else. All I knew was that aside from a Piper McLean, Percy was my best friend. Could it turn into something else?

Percy offered me a blue cookie.

"Want some?" He had blue crumbs all over his mouth.

I couldn't help but grin. "Gods, you're utterly embarrassing."

"Thanks, Wise Girl."

That was his nickname for me, and I didn't mind it at all. I only disliked it when other people called me that out of sarcasm.

I took the cookie from his hand and bit into it. "You're a doofus, Seaweed Brain." The cookie was really good. Percy made it with his mom, Sally. Or so he claimed. Sally probably makes most of it.

"Wise Girl strikes yet again," Percy said, smiling.

I inhaled deeply as I felt a slight breeze wash over me while the sun warmed my skin.

It was a pretty day spring today. I was glad wore jean shorts, my favorite Yankees t-shirt, and Yankees cap. I may have been living in California now, but my heart was still in New York.

Percy's heart was probably still in New York too. We had known each other since late elementary school, meaning I'd known him for about six years.

I'd been annoyed with him immediately. He was goofy, messy, and probably out of his mind. The complete opposite of me. I was so bothered by him.

I warmed up to him eventually. It was probably in fifth grade when he held the door open for me like a gentleman. He didn't usually act super polite back then, so that had to mean something, right?

When I moved to California and realized that he had moved too, coincidentally ending up at the exact same school as me, I thought that maybe fate was giving us a sign.

That was the sappiest thought I'd ever had. So I ignored it and kept being friends with him.

The sky was quickly turning gray.

"We should get going," I decided.

Percy nodded and we got off of the park bench and started walking towards Percy's house.

Ever since Sally married Paul Blofis, they've gotten more money. That's why they decided to move to California and get an actual house.

Mr. Blofis actually became the principal of our high school. I think that's why he goes a little easier on Percy and his friends. I don't mind it at all, but a different principal would still like me too.

"Have you ever seen it rain when the sky was clear?" Percy wondered.

I snorted. "No, that doesn't happen."

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