5. A Refresher

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Hey, guys! So sorry it took me a bit longer to update; I'm currently on vacation in California! Just to let you know, I did change a few dates in the story. Well I love you guys so, so, so much and please enjoy!

Chapter 5

A Refresher

The next day, Calypso was leaning against Percy's locker, laughing lightly at something he'd said. She looked really pretty today in her blue and white bohemian styled two piece.

I frowned and brought my lips to Piper's ear. "I didn't know Calypso was friends with Percy."

"Um, I didn't know that either," Piper said dismissively, as we walked down the hall to our fifth period class. Something in her voice told me otherwise. She looked like she was trying to avoid eye contact with me, hiding something.

I decided not to comment on it. Of course I knew something was up, but I didn't want to confront her about it just yet.

"How are your family issues?" I changed the subject.

"Same old, same old," she said with a sigh. "Lacy urges my Dad to stay, my Dad insists that he had no other choice but to go, I argue that that's stupid, and my Mom declares that I'm right. Lacy's been moping around so much that even her teacher's noticed something's wrong." she chuckled. "She even asked Lacy if she gets verbally abused at home. Yeah, right."

I managed a small smile. "Ha, funny. But on a serious note, poor Lacy. Has she been doing that thing when she's mad?"

Whenever Lacy would get mad or sad, she would lock herself in her room and let nobody in. Then, she would throw stuffed animals and punch pillows until her room looked like a hurricane had come through it. She would refuse to clean it up because it was somebody else's fault that she was mad.

"Yeah." Piper let out a little laugh. "I can hear her screaming even when I'm downstairs in the kitchen."

I straightened my plain white T-shirt out and glanced back at Calypso. She was really close to Percy.

I looked back at Piper. "Tonight, I'm going to go to your house and I'm going to stomp up to your dad, and I'm going to-"

"Annabeth," she interrupted me. "Hey, relax. Don't worry about a thing. Have you finished all your homework so far?"

"Don't I always?"

"Good," she replied, tugging at a loose thread from her knitted army green halter tank. "After school, we'll pick up Lace, and we'll all go out for frozen yogurt."

"That sounds amazing." I could already taste the New York Cheesecake flavor on my tongue. "I have to be home by dinner though. I've been out for the last two nights, so my stepmom wants me to be home tonight."

She gave me a sideways smile. "Right, because you were busy at Percy's house. How was that by the way?"

"It was really fun." I replayed the moment that he shyly gave me the tulips in my head. "He gave me a bouquet of the first tulips that grew in his garden. It was really sweet."

She opened her mouth and let out a rare squeal. Squeals from us didn't happen very often, but I guess it was just some kind of female's instinct that kicked in whenever something cute happened.

"That is actually really cute," she said, nodding in approval.

Out of nowhere, Jason came up and slid his arm around Piper's waist. "What's really cute?"

As Piper told him about my visit at Percy's house, Jason nudged my side using the arm that was around Piper's waist.

I raised a questioning eyebrow at him.

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