Chapter 1

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I wake up to my very small room. It's not exactly small, though. It's only small because we have so many people in 1 room so we have lots of beds. I looked at my wall clock. 7:00 am. Oh. Sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. Hi. My name is Brooke. I'm 12 years old. My older sister Bridget is 13 years old. She's my step sister.

My dad died in a car crash. He was riding with his friends and someone was on their side of the road and hit them head on. All of them died. My mom then married Bridget's dad.

Once they got married, something changed in mom. They both abused me. One day, dad killed my mom. Stabbed her to da death. He then started abusing me more. One day, he bought a gun.

He threatened me until I was 10. I grabbed the gun and shot him in the head.

Bridget called the cops and I went into juvenile detention, until I told them the reason why I shot him. They let me go and put me and Bridget in an orphanage. Abby's Home For Girls.

Usually, you would think, omg foster homes and stuff like that are so bad and abusive! But sometimes, they're really not. Abby's Home For Girls is actually a pretty nice place.

My best friend, Malorie, came in from the bathroom. "Hey!" She said. I waved at her. "So, today we are having an adoption spree where they can adopt people all day long." She said.

I just nodded my head.

"So get ready!" Malorie yelled.

"Ok!" I yelled back.

I got up. I looked in our closet and saw my box that said Brooke. I pulled it out. Wow! I thought. This is a big box. It was about, 2 feet long and 7 inches wide. I got my black One Direction t-shirt on and my Jessica Simpson Kiss Me Skinny skinny jeans on with my black ballet flats. I brushed my hair and decided to put some makeup on. I need Bridget.

I walked into Bridget's room and tapped on her shoulder. She was looking outside her window. "What?" She asked me. "Can I wear some makeup?" "Omagod yes! Thanks sooo much for asking that!'' She yelled. She dragged me into her closet and got out her makeup. She put on my blush. She got out pink lip gloss. No.

"Whoa!" I said pushing the lip gloss stick back.

"What? Oh come on just try it on!" She told me rubbing it on my lips. I groaned.

"It looks good on you." She told me.

After that she put on my eye shadow. She had this sorta maroon color but like, it was also a pink looking color. I dunno.

She put it on and put on my mascara.

"What is all of this from? Like what brand?" I asked her.

"The blush, eye shadow, and mascara is from LoReal. The gloss is from I think Paris but I think it's from LoReal, too. I'm not sure about it, though. But they're both from like really popular makeup lines." She explained.

After that, she gave me a little mirror and let me look at my face. I looked amazing. Except for the fact that I'm ya know, pink and well, pink.

"K thanks. Bye." I ran out of her room and brushed my teeth. After that I went downstairs. I lined up with everyone else. Bridget came right behind me.

"Hey everyone!" Ms. Abby greeted. She is one of the nicest people I know. "Today we will have very important people coming." She informed us.

Five very familiar guys came in and waved. One Direction! I know, I'm dark and gothic though! I'm also in LOVE with One Direction. But ANYway.

"Hello!" Niall said.

We all waved. They looked at all the kids. There's like 20 girls here. He then came across me and Bridget. She had a pink dress with pink tulips on the bottom of them with ruffles. She also had white 3 inch heels on. She had pink fingernails. I had plain fingernails. They smiled at us.

"Ms. Abby," they all said in unison, "we want her and her." Liam and Niall pointed to Bridget and I and I smiled.

My dreams are finally coming true. But I don't wanna leave this place. Ms. Abby told us to go get our stuff and come back here to get interviewed. We went to get our clothes and stuff like that and came back down.


Hello my pink unicorns! That's your new nickname! Soooooo how's my first chapter? I really hope it's good!! Thanks for reading!

Word count:761

Question: do you like long chapters or short?

Goodbye my pink unicorns!

Stay fabulous!!!!!

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