Chapter 3

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When we got to their huge mansion, the first thing I wanted to do was look at my room. I went looking everywhere when finally, I found it. Brooke was printed on the door. I walked in. The whole room was maroon. I had a black desk with a mirror and all of the Apple products. Including the iMac. Also a black rolling chair that spins.

I had cases for all the Apple products, too! I had a maroon canopy bed with white see through curtains over it. I had a 70 inch tv on the wall (A/N idk how you do that so). I had a big case so I can put movies and it already had lots of movies.

On the wall, in white it is Brooke. It reminded me of Mississippi State. I love Mississippi State! So there! Back off haters!

I also had a balcony and I had stairs that led to Bridget's and the guys' rooms. Wow! I thought.

I walked into my balcony and walked into Bridget's room. I needed to talk to her.

When I got in there, the whole room was pink. PINK!!!!!!!!! I almost puked.

"Bridget I need to talk to you. I used to come to you when something was bothering me and I told you about my nightmares. We used to best friends and now we absolutely hate each other! What happened? Why do you hate me so much? You were so nice to me and now you treat me like dirt. I don't know why, but you do. Why can't we start acting like we did before since we are in a new family?" Before I could finish my speech we were both sobbing.

"I feel the same way! But you're stupid mom brainwashed me and made me mean to you! I love you! I missed you, Brooke." She said pulling me into a hug.

We walked out with our arms locked together and we went to find the boys.

"Liam!" I yelled. "Niall!" Bridget yelled. They all came in. "What?" They asked. "Can we go to Nandos?" I asked. "Yeah!" Bridget and Niall yelled. I'm guessing we're going to Nandos.

I went to get dressed. I found lots of clothes in my closet so I tried some on. I finally found something I liked. I found some makeup, too. I decided to where some.

(A/N don't count the hair or purse

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(A/N don't count the hair or purse.)

I walked out and waited for everyone else.



Word count: 415

Question: what's your favorite movie?

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