Chapter 2 - explanations

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The corner of the quilt was being lifted up and the mans face peered underneath to check if your where ok. He smiled and said
"I'm sorry if I scared you, but I'm glad your ok."
Your heart started to beat fast as you soon realised, that guy was Kim Namjoon. As in Rapmonster from bts!

Surprised, your body froze you didn't know what to say so you just stared into his eyes. Rapmonster also froze. He just looked at you and smiled. The atmosphere to you was awkward but you didn't know how to break the silence. In the end you decided to clear your throat and say "my head hurts...."

"Nice to meet you too," he replied followed by a chuckle.

"Sorry, I'm just so confused. Where am I."

" Your at the apartment where bts live, silly." Your heart skipped two beats. Trying not to show you where freeking out was hard. They where one of your favourite boy bands. Instead you took a breath to try and calm your self down. Seeing that you where happy, Rapmonster dropped the quilt and started laughing. You sat up and rapped the covers around your whole body and head so you looked like a caterpillar. "My name is Kim Namjoon." He proceeded, "But just call me Rapmonster, everyone does." He put his hand to shake yours. You took it and replied
"Mine is Y/N."
You let go of his hand. Then you just sat there and stared at Namjoon. Then you looked at the ground and frowned.

Ramonster saw that something was wrong. He stopped smiling and his face looked concerned. He crouched down to look at your face. "What's wrong," he said.
"Why am I here? Where are my friends? I'm just so confused, am I dead?
Namjoon clasped his hand on his mouth in order not to laugh. But his attempted at stoping himself didn't work. Instead he fell on his back and processed to laugh, really loud.
Then the door opened again. A worried looking Jimin came rushing in and went straight to Namjoon. He crouched down beside him.
"Buddy what's wrong? Oh your just laughing." He sat on the floor, smiled and grabbed the back of his neck. Once again, you just sat there not knowing what to do. Jimin then realised you were looking at him so he got up and sat at the end of the bed. He stared at you for a second with no expression. Then he chuckled. "annyeonghaseyo, my name is Park Ji Min." He put out his hand so he could shake yours. You shook his hand. "I was the one who caught you when you fell last night." He said with a smile. Your face went ruddy and his smile grew wider.

"What do you mean? I fell, what happened!?" You replied with a worried tone.
His smile dropped and his face grew expressionless again.
"I guess Rapmon hasn't told you yet. Well when you where gone from your seat there where two sleezy guys spiking your drink. Suga spotted that and told us to intervene. But when we went to tell you, you had already taken a sip of your drink. The drug must have been strong because it knocked you out almost strait away. You fell in my direction so I caught you and carried you out of the club. Our A.R.M.Y that was with us weren't to happy about that and tried to hurt you. But I saved you so don't worry."
You where shocked to hear this so placed you head on you knees.
"Whyyyyyy?" You moaned to yourself.
"Your going to have to live with us for a while ok." Jimin replied. Completely shocked, your head shot strait up to look at him. His face was still stone cold. He was being serious. As it sunk in, you got more and more confused and worried.
"You could of just taken me home! Why do I have to stay here? This makes no sence." You shouted at him.
"Most girls would have been happy to live with 7 guys from bts for a month," he said with a smug look on his face. "You have to stay here because if we took home, then you would know where we live and that's top secret." As he said this he smiled and put his finger on his lips. "J-hope said it would be best if we took you home with us, he said that it wouldn't be safe if we just left an on conscience girl all by her self."
"But what about my friends?" You quickly asked.
"We had some guards escort them home, there ok now but they got really drunk so they will probably have really bad hangovers."
Your eyes started to well up, you were so scared. You could only imagine what those guys who drugged you could have done. Awful images sprung into your mind.
You snapped back into reality and Jimin was holding your face. Tears were streaming down your face and he looked shocked.
"It's ok now, your safe." He said trying to comfort you.
You tried to pull yourself together and said
"Thank you, so much. I must of caused you so much hassle." You wiped your eyes and Jimin took his hand away from your cheek. He patted you head twice and got up. He turned to look at Rapmonster but he had gone. He then turned to go to the door. When he was in the doorway, he turned around and said
"I'll go get you some clothes and a towel, when I come back you can get ready and go and get some breakfast." He smiled and got up. Just as he was about to shut the door, you said
"My name is Y/N by the way!" He turned his head to look at you and smiled.
"I know."
He left and shut the door.

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