Chapter 5. Really?!

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(I have just realised that I forgot to put another chapter yesterday! So sorry. I might not be able to post tomorrow because a thing tomorrow either. Anyway I hope you like this!)

You woke up with a sore stomach. The bottom of your back was hurting too. You rolled over to look at your clock. It was already 6:52. That meant you had been sleeping for about 8 hours! You decided to go and see if you could go and get some food from the kitchen. But you felt really grubby and sweaty. So you went and took a shower.

You had almost finished your shower when you went to wash you feet. As you were washing in between your toes, you realised that the water going down the drain was red. You panicked.
"Oh shit! Did those guys cut me or something?!" You shouted.
You checked all over your body for cuts. There where none. None that you could see anyway. You decided to get out of the shower so if there where cuts, then you wouldn't bleed out.
As you where stepping out of the shower there was a knock on the door. You then frantically started searching for clothes. But all there was was that sweaty yellow dress. You really didn't want to put that on. You didn't really feel in the mood for dressing up. Plus, you didn't want to get blood on it and stain it.
"Hey, are you ok? I heard you shouting." Said the voice from the other side of the door. It was a new voice that you hadn't heard before. It was low and calm and made you relax a bit.
"Ummm, yes I'm fine thank y-" you bent over in pain. Your stomach felt like it was being stabbed.
The door nob started to rattle as the person on the other side was trying to open the door. You tried to find some underwear but if corse you'd left everything in your room. You got up and went to the door. You tried to see who it was but you couldn't.
"Umm, I'm sorry if this is a hassle but.... Could you pass me some underwear and some clothes?"
The door nob stopped rattling. The boy on the other side started to snigger. You heard him walk away from the door and start to search through your draws. About 2 minuets later, he came back to the door and said
"I can give them
To you unless you open the door." Your heart sunk. He can't see you naked with blood all down you theighs. You stopped a minuet. There was only blood on your theighs. So you must be bleeding from....
"Oh great! This is just what I need. Come on world have you got anything else to through at me. First I'm spiked, then I have to live with 7 guys for I don't know how long and now I'm on my period! What's fucking next hey?!" You shouted. Then you realised what you where doing. You went the door and whimpered "Please tell me you didn't hear any of that...." No reply. You just heard foot steps walking away from the door.
You waited 5 minuets in the bathroom. After that you carefully opened the door and peeked around it. No one was there. Reenacting a spy movie, you went to the bed where the boy had left your clothes. You picked them up and ran to the bathroom. You then slammed the door and quickly put on whatever he had picked out for you. You had had to make a temporary towel because you didn't have one. You didn't want to ask boys to go to the shop and buy you sanitary pads. So you just had to wrap lots of tissue around you knickers instead.
After you had got changed. You took a second to look at what you were wearing. You were wearing a giraffe onesie. Like the one Megan Trainor wore in that one music video. It was really cute!
You went into the kitchen to go and see everybody. But no one was there, apart from on guy who was cooking. He had his back to you as he was at the stove. He only had a towel wrapped around his waste and his hair was wet. He must have taken a shower. You where just watching him cook when his towel started to fall down.

To be continued......

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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