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Hello, just so you know, I'm still alive, although I think David is on to me. His novel is in the last stages of completion. He has come up hard against the third act, final scene of his book. Every author knows this is where legends are made and dreams live or die.

The next entry in his journal is a news clipping of his wife's obituary. He killed her Sultryforest. It says there was a gas explosion in her new apartment, where a dryer was installed wrong. I know he did it, and then he launched his career as a serial killer. Now I have to find the evidence to prove it.

All the journal's and notebooks can be claimed as circumstantial. I can hear him now, talking to detectives during his interrogation.

"I'm sorry officers, Chris Bieniek is a delusional wanna be writer who is jealous. He knows he will never be famous like me, so he's trying to make a name for himself. All my journals are works of fiction I lovingly crafted as research and backstory for my novels.

"I'll admit, I took clippings from the paper, and used real people to springboard my character development, but writers do that all the time. They take a beautiful famous person, look at their picture, use some childhood facts and create realistic characters. Back then, I had to take my own picture, there was no internet. I assure you, names and dates were changed to protect the innocent."

I went back for the ear and hair and it's all gone. Just the written material, nothing incriminating.

@Sultryforest, remeber our deal. You will publish the manuscript I sent you in the mail if I come up dead or missing. You promised me, and since Wattpad is annonomys, you will be safe.

I have a plan to catch him in the act. He's asked me to co-write the last battle scene of Silver Screen, so I plan on telling him it's not real enough. I will suggest he takes a drastic step to explore what it's really like for a witch to be burned at the stake.

Wish me luck and pray no one gets hurt.

SINCERELY @ChrisBieniek7

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