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From A to Z

Anne Frank and her beauty in the face of death

Bethany Hamilton rides her waves above the rest

Catherine Doherty who went the distance

Dorothy Dandridge who broke the system

Ellie Kemper who can make us laugh

Felicia Day breaking the graphs

Gertrude Stein weaving her novels

Hannah Arendt preaching her gospels

Isabelle Caro saving lives with her story

Janelle Monae giving women the glory

Kate Mckinnon making us laugh our asses off

Lauren Graham ruling like the Romanovs

Marilyn Monroe rising out of the woodwork

Norah Jones on her throne of artwork

Olivia Wilde who can become anyone

Penelope Cruz who can't be outdone

Queen Latifah rapping like the slimmest of the shadies

Rita Ora singing for all of the ladies

Sharon Holland updating the church

Tina Fey shining with a sense of humor

Ursula Burns runs Xerox like no one can break her

V Bozeman smiling for the world to see

Willow Smith breaking the industry

Ximena Duque bringing beauty and elegance

Zoe Saldana who inspires through dance

And this, at least, according to me

Are the most inspiring women for A to Z


V Bozeman

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