Look my way (Yoonmin)

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Ah, the old graffiti on the bathroom cubicle. It was a large part of public high school culture, being the main physical forum on gossip and how cute other students were; it was truly a dying art form. Yoongi had no idea how it worked in the girls' bathroom, but in the boys', most of the toilet stall wall talk was on the walls of the last cubicle of the row, once-white tiles and separators covered in scrawls of phone numbers, names, heart-shapes and random paragraphs of gossip about something stupid Jiyong did at last year's Halloween party. The janitor had long since given up on scrubbing the walls of that cubicle, electing to let the children have their fun instead. Yoongi would never admit it to anyone except his closest friends, but he would use the last toilet stall just to read up on some trash talk on the grimy walls as well as see who's crushing on who. He had tabs on every single going-ons that appeared on the bathroom walls. He wasn't sure if he was proud or ashamed of the fact that he had read all of the walls like a novel series that just kept getting updated.

It was the middle of period three when Yoongi slipped into the otherwise empty bathroom, hall-pass tucked into one pocket and a red permanent marker in the other. He sat himself down on the closed toilet lid and tapped his foot along to the beat of the music blaring through his earphones as he read the back of the bathroom stall door.

'i bet Kyungsoo is gr8 at cuddling'

Yoongi snorted, he knew exactly who wrote that. Damn, Jongin was whipped.

'two nights ago I saw jaebum shirtless at yongji's party and I have not felt a twinge of heterosexuality since'

Yoongi felt empathy towards the anonymous confessor. He too was very not-heterosexual, but he didn't discover this in quite the same way. He pulled out his red sharpie from his left pants pocket, scrawling a messy 'GL' under the random's entry, the dude was probably gonna need it.

'Suzy is the GIRL OF MY DREAMS! I will win her over one day! Lee Minho will never compare to my nice guy charms!'

Yoongi dismissed that one as both desperate and delusional.

'Eunji and I got drunk at a party and when we were about to get it on, she said I had a tiny dick. BITCH.'

Yoongi didn't hesitate to reply to this one; 'calling her a bitch won't make your dick grow any bigger, honey x', the sarcastic kiss mark 'x' was Yoongi's personal favourite substitution of the period. But only when he was anonymous, Yoongi was pretty sure he would have been punched in the face several times a day if he said the kind of stuff he wrote on the walls out loud.

'Kim Namjoon is so dreamy~'

Yoongi almost cackled at the appearance his close friend's name was making on the stall's wall. He tried to imagine what Namjoon's reaction would be like if he found out and Yoongi didn't bother trying any harder because he knew he would find out at lunchtime when he told him. For sure. He raised his marker again, 'he wears ducky slippers around his house', Yoongi lived to embarrass his friends.

'Does anyone know if Jihoon is single?'

Yoongi stared hard at this question. Who was Jihoon? New kid? A freshman? He shrugged and lifted his marker regardless, 'yeah, he is x', Yoongi was going to hell and he knew it, may as well enjoy the ride.

'dat thai kid dat cam in this yr is so wierd...'

Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed at the terrible handwriting of statement, he knew that guy, Kunpimook, he wasn't weird, just unbearably energetic. This comment wasn't very nice and Yoongi had every intention of writing a very not-nice response back only to notice the boy himself beat him to it. In what looked like blue whiteboard marker, someone had written '"dat thai kid" has a name. But I guess you wouldn't be able to pronounce or spell it anyway, judging by your obviously advanced literary skills. Here, let me help you, it's Kunpimook, K-U-N-P-I-M-O-O-K. That's me. And I know who you are, I'll see you after history class.' He signed off with a little doodle of a smiley face and a heart. Wow, okay.

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