the confrontation

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It was lunch time and we were all sitting at our table which was the one at the corner because we were not that cool to be sitting at the central table which was filled with jocks, cheerleaders and the occasional stoner who thought getting high was the answer to get into the social monarchy.
We were talking about how we would spend the holidays when suddenly Kia pointed to the diner's door, it was him.
Sebastian came in and started looking at the tables as if he wanted to find someone, he grabbed a plate of food and just when I was about to turn around so we could move on with our lives he saw me. He walked to our table and with the deepest voice I had ever heard he spoke to me for the first time:
"Hey Spencer, can I sit down with you and your friends? "
" Yeah sure, whatever"
We were all a little bit shocked he actually asked us a few he could sit down, we were not used to people noticing us so it was a little bit uncomfortable at first.
"So, what are you doing here man? " Jason asked. Jason had that type of voice where every time he spoke it sounded like he was rude as fuck.
"I can go if you guys don't mind" Sebastian replied
"No dude, it's fine. You can stay, sorry if I sounded a little rude at first, it's just the way I talk.
What I meant it's what are you doing here in J. P. High?"
"My parents got a divorce because my dad cheated on my mom, so he thought that buying a house for us in Pennsylvania would be the answer to all of our problems. It really wasn't"
We were all in silence until Andrew said:
"Guess you're as fucked up as we are, you can sit with us anytime you want"
Lucky bastard! It took me 2 years to find a place where to fit in and this guy comes and suddenly he can eat with us, but I didn't say anything.
We were all eating and talking but I could feel Sebastian's eyes staring at me, as if he was looking for something on my face to the point I got scared if there was actually something in my face.
The bell rang and as I was about to head out of the diner, Sebastian touched my shoulder and with a soft voice he said:
"Hey! You forgot this"
He handed me a little book. That book meant more than anything in my life, it was filled with thoughts and memories from remarkable times. It has been with me since I was 8 years old.
"Did you read anything?" I asked a little too loud.
"No, why would I?" Sebastian replied
"I don't know, I don't know you. I don't trust you".
I replied with a very harsh voice that I didn't do on purpose.
"Well, at least you have it now" he said with a gentle voice, "So, I'd like to properly introduce myself, my name is Sebastian, Sebastian Lennox".
"Well you didn't really need to do that but I guess I'm gonna be polite and introduce myself as well, I'm Spencer Fazer".
The conversation was awkward at its best and even if I wanted to say I couldn't, I didn't know Sebastian.
"I have to go to 6th period, guess I'll see you later right?"
"Yeah, I guess so".
I guess so. Little did I know we would be seeing each other for a long time.

*Check the first chapter "CAST" for an inside look to nyctophilia's cast!

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