Becoming a rouge.

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Leah's POV

'Just keep running. He can't find you if you just keep running. Run far away from there as possible.' That is what I keep telling myself. You are probably wandering why I am running in the first place. Well let me tell you. It started off when I was in the kitchen making dinner when dad walked in and he had two women with him. This could not be good. He walked the women upstairs and I hurried to finish making dinner. Your probably thinking 'doesnt she have to make food for all of them now?' Well ya, I do.

The way dad eats I shouldn't have too. He eats as much as four people and I only get a little portion, so he will give most it to the women. Here is his everyday routine - get drunk
- bring home horny women
-have sex with them
- when they leave hit me
- rape me
- then go to bed
That is his routine for nights he doesn't work. I'm suprised I'm not dead yet the way I'm abused and raped.

Well anyway so back to why I ran away. So I was getting hit with the belt while being raped, when he was done I bit him and ran. I was completely fed up with him. I ran past our territory, I haven't stopped yet. Now I'm a rouge, anyone can kill me. I smelled a river, so that's where I ran. The river will cover my scent and he can't smell me. Before I got there I blacked out, but I swear I smelled the sweetest smell in the whole world.

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