New Dog

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Aaron decided to get Aphmau a new dog it was a Golden retriever, when Aph got home from Katelyn's place she asked "Who's dog is this Aaron It's So CUTE!"

"It's yours Aph I bought for you to own and play with in the back!"

"Bring him to the back lets go upstairs and Lay Down!"

They walked upstairs and took their close off and Layed all night long.

Garroth ended up coming in but luckily they were asleep so Garroth left with a site of How Aph and Aaron slept together

Aaron thought it was strange that the door was open to their room he thought if Aph went out she wouldn't be dumb enough to leave the room door open.  As he kissed her.

Aph woke up to the baby crying Jennifer knew how to stand a lil' so she was stretching out to Aph for her to lift Jennifer up.

When Aaron told Aph good morning he asked "Did you leave the room last night?"

Aph replied "No I did not."

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