Chapter 2

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Now, after all that terrific story you read, her mom didn't change. The little girl learned how to defend herself and didn't let her mom punch her or her sister. The sister of the little girl was caring only when she was small. After that she didn't give a fuck about her family. She didn't care about her little sister.

WELL, the girl entered school, 1st grade, she only know her bestfriends, who luckyly entered the same school as her, she always had a little problems making friends because she was a little shy, but at the end, she got it, she got new friends, and as always, there was the "cool kidz" group who made fun of everyone, but she is chill af, so she didn't put attention to them. the girl always liked more the boys than girls, bc she hated the girly girls, so she always was with the boys, but the elementary boys were bad, not as the pre-school, that didn't give a fuck if people were boy or girl, they wouldn't discriminate them, elementary boys, thougt all girls were weak, and that boys can tell the girls what to do, and that they couldn't reply, but girls are not stupid, and latin girls, won't let the boys to annoy them, so every time the boys were making fun of them, the girls get to punch them bc they were, actually are too annoying🙄🙄👊

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