Chapter 3

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Wirt's Pov

I gaze from behind the thicket that grows close to the home of my beloved, my eyes stare at her and only her. My dear Beatrice has found the gift I left on her windowsill. I hope she cherishes the the Adelwood blossom I have given her, for they can only grow from my tears. However, it's rare for me to have any tears left to shed, for I no longer have anything left to lose. I lost my Greg to the ever-growing woods that are my domain, Jason Funderburker has succumbed to the elements of this wayward garden of my sin, but I.... I am all that remains from our rag-tag group that has ventured through the unknown. Well, I and Beatrice. I may have lost my brother and his frog, but I am not going to lose her. I will move heaven and earth if I must in order to have her with me by my side. I won't let her go, not now and not ever. I watch the light in her room go out, which means that she must be asleep now.

"Rest well dearest, for I will return for you soon," I whispered into the cool autumn night air, hoping that my words reach her ears as she rests in her bed of linen and down. With that, I take my leave and return to my everlasting task as the lantern bearer.                                                         

 The dawn of the next day breaks the darkness of the night, the sunlight hits Beatrice's eyes and she awakens from her sleep. She gets out of bed and heads to the wash basin stand in her room, as she begins to ready herself for the day, the peculiar flower that was left at her windowsill yesterday night catches her eyes. As if the flower were to disappear from her grasp, Beatrice picks up the flower with great care and takes in the sweet fragrance of the flower once again; she then recalls the events of the day before. Her eyebrows furrow in contemplation as she ponders about the mysterious boy that embraced her.

"Could that boy really be Wirt?" she asked herself in a hushed tone. But as she began to remember the features of the boy, his multi-colored eyes and his looming stature, she began to assure herself, that the boy she found herself with in the woods couldn't have been him.... right? Her thoughts were quickly interrupted as the urgent yelling of her mother in the distance snapped her back into reality. As she listened to her mother's yelling, her blood turned cold and she felt a wave of anxiousness. How could she have forgotten such an important date? Especially one so life-changing in a girl's life here in the Unknown? The date in mind was the Pottsfield Harvest Festival! The festival was a rather important not only for the new pumpkin citizen arrivals to the quaint town, but to also celebrate the harvest of the season with a open air market; where all who live in the Unknown congregate to sell or trade the crops they've sown. But most importantly, the Pottsfield Harvest Festival was a three day event in which families begin to search for  suitors for their daughters.

Beatrice's Pov

"Oh, how could I have forgotten?!" I exclaimed in my room, as I rushed to look presentable before heading out to the festival with my parents. Normally, we would arrive to the festival to only sell potatoes, pies, and fruit preserves my mother makes with the summer fruit, but since I'm "of age" now, my parents are now commencing their search to find me a suitor. Normally, families would pair off their children together in order to strengthen their agricultural yields and all that other bussinessy nonsense. I'm not new to the concept either, I've seen my older sisters find suitors and later get married for the sake of our family. It's not like we can live off of potatoes profits our lives, how else would we be able to make fruit preserves or have flour for pie making? Now, it's my turn to find a suitor to provide a trade to my family and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I want to fall in love on my own terms and be happy doing so. But I can't do that if a suitor waltzes in and takes me away from that dream of mine. I open my closet to find the light blue dress my mother had tailored to fit me specifically for this event. Unlike, my usual cotton dress, this dress was made of silk. Instead of my usual high bun, I put my hair in a low bun and pulled a few tresses of hair to frame my face. As I was ready to leave my room, my mother barges in to see if I had finished getting ready.

"Beatrice! You look ever-so lovely in your gown," she excitedly said in a hushed tone. She walks around me to get a good look at me and before long she notices the Adelwood blossom on my wash banister.

"My goodness child! Where on Earth have you found such a precious flower?!" she said in a surprised tone. 

"I found it on my windowsill last night, I'm not sure who placed it there," I responded.

"Why didn't you tell me immediately? We could have used it as medicine for your brother?" she scolded. But, the anger was only temporary as her face implied that she had an idea. "Never mind all that, you're brother is feeling much better now and I think it's best if you wore this flower anyways."

My mother carefully places the flower in my hair. "Now you'll stand out from all the other girls when we arrive to the festival. Plus, more families will be after you as a possible paring with for their sons since you have such a rare flower adorning your hair!"

"Yes, mother, what a splendid idea," I stated with a slight hint of sarcasm. Luckily my mother was too pleased with herself to noticed. We then headed for the wagon, and before long, we were headed to the Pottsfield Harvest Festival. 

Unbeknownst to Beatrice, Wirt had watched her get onto the wagon with her parents  and drive away. What really caught his eye was the flower he had given her adorned in her hair. Not wanting to be anymore apart from her than he already was, he followed the wagon. 

Hey y'all, it's been such a long time since I last have updated this story and I would like to thank you all for not losing hope. I'm super surprised to have found people commenting on this story in 2019 and 2020. Thank you all for your support and compliments. I will do my absolute best to continue where I have left off. I hope you've enjoyed this latest chapter! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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