Chapter 2 A Nasty Fight

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(Warring, this part gets a little intense)

(Snake Man's point of view)

Finally I can have some 'fun' with Gemini alone. Ever since he has been created by Dr. Willy I have fell in love with him. Today is the day I go in for the kill. The best part is that no one knows where we are and that I know the way back! Hu? He's, shaking? That means he's scared! Omg he looks really cute when he is scared! "W-what are you l-looking at?!" He sounds so cute. "Nothing. Oh look, were here!" I'm so excited to start~
"I-I'm ready when y-you are Snake head!" Oh, so he wants to get hert. Hehe, I can help with that~ "Ready, set, go!"

(Me telling the story)

They both run at each other at full speed. Gemini was to scared to have his double out so his attacks were week but pretty stronge. Snake Man released one of his snakes at Gemini. Gemini tryed to run from it but he bumped into Snake Man, Gemini fell on the floor with his eyes closed shut. When he opened his eyes, Snake Man was on top of him. Gemini couldn't move. "Get off of me you little bitch!" Gemini said fiercely. "Oh, so your getting rude eh, well I can fix that right now~"

So what do you guys think so far? Did I do good? I bet I did! =D

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