Obsession Chapter 2

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Maxon's POV

"Maxon!" My young sister squealed as I spinned her around. "Maxon stop!" She yelled with a hint of worried in her voice.

"Children stop playing and get yourselves in order, the King and Queen are coming! " hissed our nanny Penelope. She was a sweet old lady, that always looked after us so we wouldn't get in trouble.

My parents however, were a different story. My father, was never home and my mother, was only interested in looks. Despite what people would say, neither of them were ever here for us. Alexa my younger sister and I  were raised by our Nanny.

At her words, we stopped playing. I fixed my uniform which consists of a Armani tuxedo and Alexa fixed her gown and tiara.

We stood side by side and looked straight forward, waiting for the arrival of our parents. We don't see them much only if there is a special occasion or duty calls.

"Your royal highness the King and Queen" yelled one of the servants. My mother and father walked out in the beautiful gardens my sister Alexa and I had been playing in just moments ago.

Father looked at us with his dead eyes, I swear I have never seen joy in them.

"Good morning" he said
"Good morning sir." both Alexa and I said in unison as I bow and Alexa curtseys. My father was a cruel, cold hearted person.  He never even gave any love or affection towards us...his own children.

We looked towards our mother and she just nodded. Mother always looked scared when she stood next to my father.

Sometimes I would see her in the hallway, around the castle, I would bow to her and she would try to say something but never, have I ever heard more than a sentence from her. At least from what I can remember , Penelope says the Queen has a beautiful voice and that every day when we are asleep the Queen asks her how we have behaved and everything we did every single detail. Of course advisers have heard her speak and lords around court but not her children.

I fear my mother is being threatened by my father, I don't know why my parents can't be like the ones from the village loving and caring. They play the role of King and Queen before husband and wife, even mother and father. I don't want a marriage like that.

"Maxon!" My father said in a stern voice. "Yes father? " I asked looking down. "Did you hear a word I said!" He hissed walking towards me, I flinched. He never really hit me as I am still his heir but I wouldn't put it past him. "Answer me!" He yelled "no your highness" I whispered.

He stopped for a second his cold green eyes going darker, colder if that is even possible and landed on me. "Why am I even passing the crown to you" he murmured low but still loud enough for me to hear. "You aren't ready for a crown.   You would be too easily destroyed if you sat on the throne. England would be destroyed. Your too incompetent to be a King!" He hissed looking at me as his cape hit my face.

"I should have send you to the military, I shouldn't have listened to your mother" he screamed at me. I tried not to make eye contact and waited for his anger to pass.

Alexa was standing behind me looking pale as a white sheet. She was the only family I really had.

Even though we were 4 years apart  that didn't stop me from protecting her. It only made me want to protect her more. She wasn't going to have the childhood I had, I would made sure of it. I would always play with her even if it consisted of me sitting and drinking tea with her.

She looked a lot like our father green eyes and dirty blonde hair, except her green eyes where full of life of joy unlike his. I on the other hand took after our mother with her blue eyes and her light brown curly hair.

"However the past is the past I cannot change it" he said looking at me. "Listen to me clearly I will only say this once!" He pointed his finger at me. "I will pass the crown to you since I have no choice, you are my heir and I can't give it to your step brother Cayson, so you will marry a lovely rich girl to save your butt!" He glared at me waiting for me to retaliate.

"But I am not ready sir" I said in a whisper.

"Oh look Amberly our son is not ready to take the Throne!"

He laughed then he did something I had been expecting since the beginning. He punched me in the face with his knuckles. "Don't you dare say those words in front of my face again! " he hissed "you will marry whoever I choose and save the Throne because without her and her money you will never be King! " he screamed at me.

"Alfred go see the Blackwoods and tell them it's time to commence our agreement." The King yelled.

Alfred nodded and ran off to the stables. I heard the faint sound of the horses and the wheels of the carriage leaving the castle. You will marry, Maxon and I will hear none of your complaints. " he placed a kiss on Alexa's cheek then he  swiftly turned around nearly hitting her with his cape. And that is when she fainted out of fright.

Mother looked at Alexa as I caught her and lifted her in my arms. She then looked at me with worry. It seems she does still care for her children.

"Amberly come!" The king ordered her. That man is no  father of mine after everything he has done. Mother then looked at me once more before running off towards my father and followed him inside the castle.


Thank you so much for reading our book so far. Id really appreciate it if you left us a comment telling us what you think. Bye for now.


Diana and Issy

Btw you may name the stars. :)

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