Obsession Chapter 3:

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^Garnets dress and garden

Garnet's POV:

"Your going to be the bride of Prince Maxon." An awkward silence fills the air for what seems like hours. Hoping I heard my mother wrong I repeat what I think I heard her say.

"I'm going to be the friend of Prince Maxon?" This causes both my mother and the strange man in the room to erupt into laughter. Hesitantly my mother starts caressing my cheek.

"No you silly girl your going to be his bride. It's an honour. Every girl in the country would kill to be in your place, but he wants you." She beams at me, overcome with pride.

I give her a small smile in return however I am internally screaming. "But what about Hadley?" My mother cocks her head frowning at me in confusion.

"What about her?"

"Can't she marry the prince. She has always wanted to be a princess." The tight grip on my hands starts to increase, causing me to let go quickly and massage my hands to release the pain.

"She's 11."

"That's old enough." I cower at the expression on mother's face. It seems she can't help but to be her strict, cruel, unfair self. Not the kind and caring mother she is supposed to be.

"You are being ridiculous. You will marry Prince Maxon and you will be the next Queen of England. "

Who said anything about being queen?

"Mother, I don't think you understand I'm not suited to marry a prince let alone be a queen. Please do what is right for the country and don't let me near the throne." For the first time since the start of our conversation the mysterious man finally spoke.

"Lady Blackwood, I believe that you are the one who doesn't understand. You do not have a choice in the matter. This agreement is an order from the King that has been set in place ever since you were a babe. The only choice you have is whether you come graciously or put up a fight. Either way it is your decision."

I glare at the man in distaste. How dare he talk to me in such a way.
"Who are you?"

My mother was just about to scold me when the man raised his hand to silence her. "No, it's ok. I am Lord Alfred the Kings adviser."

"So you must have been apart of this decision then." He slowly nods his head answering my question. I then gracefully turn to my mother.

"I only ask for a few minutes to think of my decisions and compose myself. No matter how few they are." Both man and woman nod their heads in respect knowing the least they could do is offer me one last chance of freedom.

I hurry out of the parlour straight for the gardens searching for comfort. I make my way towards my rose garden where my sister and I had been dancing...and falling, only minutes ago.

I bury my head in my hands, crying away all the worry built up from one single conversation. My entire life. Decided. In one tiny moment.

Small arms wrap themselves around me causing me to lean further into my sister's embrace. Her touch instantly causing comfort to me. She lifts my chin with her finger so that I am looking her in the eye and wipes away my tears in an attempt to look acceptable.

"I heard about what mother did. You are to marry the prince. Please Garnet be brave, you are stronger than this. Yes, you have to marry someone you don't love but deep down we both always knew this would happen. With such big dowerys the only conclusion is that we would be married off for power."  I smile at my sister's words bringing her closer into the embrace.

"You know you may be much younger than me but you are exceptionally wise." She starts to giggle and we both beam at each other. Happy in the presence of the other.

"Yes I know. I'm a genius." I scoff at her and ruffle her hair.

"And very modest." I wink at her and then place a kiss on her forehead as I make my leave.

"Thank you."

Nervously I make my way back to the parlour. Deja vu occurs as both mother and Lord Alfred rise as I enter. I remember when I entered the first time. Naive to anything that was happening.

My dress swirls around me as I turn sitting down next to mother. "I have made my decision. The house of Blackwood accepts your offer. It would be my honour to stand by the prince's side, as his wife."

Lord Alfred grins happily, as does my mother who nods in approval when I make eye contact. "Excellent, this makes my job so much easier. We will leave-" I cut him off having not finished my words.

"Under one condition, my friends get to come with me. I do not want to be lonely." This causes the Lord to laugh and my mother to chuckle.

"Your friends have already been notified. They will be your ladies in waiting. Letters have been sent to Lady Heather, Lady Thea and Lady Kathleen." I smile recognising the names of my three best friends.

Mother then also decides to add a few words of her own. "You won't be lonely. Queen Violet and Princess Alexa will both be there. You know Violet of course and I'm sure you have met Alexa."

Queen Violet is a very close friend of my mothers, she was a frequent visitor to the manor. I always looked forward to her visits. She was more like a mother to me that my own. The princess has always been the sweetest child you will ever meet. Charisma oozed from the young child. Proof of her skills can be seen in her friendship with my sister, a shy girl who surprisingly made friends with Alexa within a matter of hours. 

Maybe living in the palace wouldn't be quite so bad. As I pondered my decision I realised, much to my disbelief that I might even be looking forward to it. 


Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Please tell me what you think. Xxx

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