Chapter 4: Airplanes and Aries

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On the airplane, I screamed and gripped the seat until I fainted. When I woke up we were landing. I screamed again. After the flight, I had to apologize to the passengers and the pilots. Whoops, sorry people. I have a pathological fear of planes and flying.

After that, I had to walk to the place. It took a long time, but it was worth it. The farm I had to go to was beautiful. I was so tired that once I was at the doorstep I passed out. When I woke up I was on a mattress with a blanket that was probably made of wool and a towel was on my forehead.

A great first impression, huh? Suddenly, a door that creaked opened and I heard footsteps. A woman with long, blond hair in braids, blue eyes, and a flower dress leaned over me. "Oh! You're awake!" The woman said in a thick German accent. I might have looked very confused or very tired. I don't know, I don't have a mirror.

Anyway, the woman took the towel off my head, dipped in into water, and put it back on my forehead. "So, where do you come from young man?" The woman asked. "I'm from Canada," I replied.

"Canada, huh? Well, once you're all better, you can help out on the farm a little." She said. I nodded slightly. How else can I repay someone who pretty much saved me?


Once I was healed, I decided to explore the farm. It had fields of crops, a barn, and a large area of woods. I decided to check the woods first since I still have to find Aries. I walked into the area. Wow me great job You found Aries! You deserve a medal! Yep, I found Aries.

He was lying against a large oak tree. Talking to some animals. A bird was flying towards him with fruit, a deer was really trying to get pet. And some other animals. He was smiling and talking to them. There also was a basket of fruit. A fruit basket. Hey, maybe I'll get to be friends with this guy.

But nooo

Remember what Aries resembles?

A ram.

And what do rams do?

Attack people.

In the gut.

By horns.

I bet you can already guess what happened. If you guessed that he made me appear 5 feet in the ground, your correct! You deserve a cookie!!!

Aries looked up and looked directly at me. Rage burned in his eyes. Then the next thing you know, I'm five feet in the ground. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU HERE?!?" He screamed in my face. I swear I could see thousands of birds and animals running for the hills.

Aries, you need a chill pill. Actually, you need 1,000,000,000 chill pills. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU WEIRDO!" I screamed back, pushing him off me and getting out of the hole. Before I could attack him, the woman was running towards us.

"Frantz! I told you to be nice to the newcomer! And you better have not shown him-" she was cut off by Aries, or Frantz, saying " Sorry! I didn't like him! Oh, and don't worry mom! He survived!" Rude.

And wait.

She was his mom?!?! Jeez, talk about differences. The woman stopped in front of us. "Frantz, you scared the animals!" She said a sad look on her face. "Sorry, but this douche bag saw me-" "Don't say rude words!" She exclaimed. "Sorry..." Aries grumbled. "Anyway, who are you?" Aries asked. "I'm Hugo Byston, or Scorpio, nice to meet you!" I said.

"So, you also have weird powers, huh?" Aries asked. I don't know if you count getting sucked up by. A blue and white tornado and basically becoming rich is a weird power, then yeah.

"Not exactly, I was actually sent here by a dude named B.B, or Benny, or... Benjamin Boune. He let me live in a huge nice place with plenty of resources and extra places for special needs. He told me I had to find the others and Aries was first, so, here I am." I said.

"Oh, finally! A place where they can take care of you! Frantz, you need to go, don't worry about me, I'll be fine, I promise." His mother said, wiping a stray tear from her eye. "No way I'm going to go with this punk!" Aries said. Hello, jerk I'm right here!!!

After a lot of talking and fighting, I finally convinced Aries to come with me to find the rest of the signs. We waved goodbye to his mother and left to the airport.

Why couldn't we just go to Italy and then Cyprus?

Hi guys! Sorry if this chapter was bad since I wrote most of this on a boat around 1:00 in the morning and I had to do a project that had something to do with wood and hot glue. Yeah... Anyway I hope you enjoyed!
- _Moonstar2809_

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