Chapter 6: Gemini, the beautiful smart-ass (Part 1)

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I take back saying that Aries was a smart-ass. This GIRL I SWEAR-

She's beauty, and grace. But she will puch you in the face with her smartness and words. And probably her hand. I dunno.

Once we landed, we went to a café since we missed the 'cake shop.' I ordered a 'latte'. Wich endened up being milk. Aries could not stop laughing at my annoyed and sad expression once I recived the drink.

"Ciao! posso avere il requalar Francisco? Grazie!" A beautiful girl with brown hair and green eyes in a dress. She sat down at the table across from me. I was staring at her the whole entire time until ARIES puched me in the shoulder and said "are you staring at a girl? Lover boy!" Aries laughed.

I growled and looked away. Too slow, Scorpio! She noticed me. She motioned her hand as if telling us to come over, taking a sip from her cup. "Ciao, idiota. Posso chiederle perché si stavano fissando me?" Then she giggled. "Scusa, scusa, quello che un modo scortese presentarmi. Sono Silvia. Piacere di conoscerti." She said.

Her voice was like music in my ears. "English, please?" Aries asked gruffly. Silvia gave him a death glare. Wait... Silvia.... Silvia Albero....


I smiled a bit. Apart from the fact that she seemed to hate Aries. She was beautiful. I have to stop repeating myself. "Fine, bruto. Who are you guys, and I apologize for saying that. I would have to check what idiota ment later. Probably idiot.

"I'm Scorpio, I mean, umm.... Hugo!" I said, nervous. She laughed. "I'm Gemini!" She kinda sorta wispered. She knew huh? "I'm Aries, and this is Taurua." Taurus waved. "Γειά σου!" He said. "Γεια Ταύρος!" She replied. Taurus smiled.

About a few hours later, we walked outside the shop. Man, did she talk. I would never get tired of her voice. We walked to a garden protected by a wall. "Follow me!" She said, climbing up the wall.

She's a genius, climbing into a strangers garden. Cue the sarcasm. Taurus used Aries as a ladder and Aries used me as a ladder. Not a pretty view. But Gemini climed it all by herself.

We hung out in the garden, talking, chasing bunnies, eating grapes, until something burned in the very back of my mind. Oh wait! The mission! I totally forgot. I tapped Taurus on the shoulder, who was eating grapes. "We should be doing our mission, right?" I asked.

He looked confused for a second until he realized it too. "Widder, solle mir eis Missioun ze maachen." He said in a language that wasn't Greek. Then it popped up in my head: Luxembourgish.

Aries nodded after a few seconds and said "Gemini, we have to bring you somewhere under the orders of a guy named Benjamin to live and train there." Gemini gave him a stern look. "No way! I'm not going with you!" She said, raising her nose in the air.

"The mission was given to me." I said nervously. "Why didn't you say so? I'm coming with you if I can convince my dad!" She said. Aries huffed and cuddled about 5 bunnies sadly.

So we made our way to Gemini's house. She had a short talk with her dad.

"Oh! Before we leave, I need to show you something!" Gemini said. We all followed her into a basment. She walked up to a trunk and opened it. What was in there must have been fake.


☆ Path of the Zodiac☆ Book 1: The Journey BeginsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora