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Riz.          P.O.V
I just got done tweeting one of my friends cam as my mom called me down to dinner. 

"Hey sweetie who you texting this time?"  She asked as I put my phone down.  "Cammy like Always". I replied using Cameron's nick name. 

My mom stiffened as I tell her that.  She always seems this way when I'm talking about Cameron and it honestly creeps me out.  It's almost as if she knows something I don't. 

While eating my mom was telling me about my tour coming up.  I was going to be touring with 3 other bands names
Handsome ghost
Royal teeth
And the full act the summer set. 

I've been a fan of the summer set for a while,  there music is just really relatable and I love it. 

My mom went on about were we were going and I couldn't be more happy when she told me I was going to Boston !!! I get to meet my best internet friend!!!!

Cameron's.      P.O.V
My phone buzzed telling me I had a Twitter notification.  I reached over my computer and grabbed it from the charger. 

"Looks like we are going to be meeting soon cammy I'm going on tour and were stopping at Boston on May 28th".

I jumped up and down as I read what Riz had texted me. 

May 28th I thought to my self.  It's currently may 23. 

I Immediately texted him back.  "Ummm Riz you realize that's 5 days from now right ?  I can't wait to meet you finally after 4 years !!!!! We're can I get the tickets?" 

I went downstairs for dinner and of course only my dad was home. 

" hey dad,". I sighed.  My mother is never home and it really annoys me because I always am stuck with my dad.  I love him but I need to get a life seeing as I'm out of school. 

"Hey kiddo what's new?"  He asked as always.  Well for once I actually have something new to tell him.  That's good for once

"So you remember how I'm always talking about my friend Riz?"  I asked.  He stiffened at his name like always.  I don't know why but he always does that. 

"Yes sweetie I do."    He replied looking really uncomfortable . 

"Well um in 5 days he's coming to Boston for a concert and I was wondering may I please go.  You know how happy him and Bryr make me please?" 

I begged him not knowing what his answer would be. 

"Sure sweety now finish up your dinner."  My father laughed as I kissed his cheek and ran upstairs to my room. 

I grabbed my phone again and saw 7 different notifications from Twitter.  Knowing it was Riz and Bryr I opened Twitter to reply to them. 

"Babe we're seeing you in 5 days !!!!!!!!!"  Bryr sent me a video message.  I laughed and sent a video message back saying "YESS babe it's going to be awesome sauce !!!"

Next I checked Riz and he texted me the website to get the tickets.  I clicked the link and got my self a ticket. 

After I ordered them and printed them I took a picture and sent it to him.  He texted me back almost instantly saying "5 days and we meet now go to bed so it can be 4." 

I laughed and told both him and Bryr good night than passed out. 

___________________________________________________________.     Hey guys I know this was a little shorter and it wasn't that good but trust me it will once it gets to the concert part.  I decided to write this because I love Riz and Bryr so freaking much I can't even explain.  I in fact met both of them yesterday (may 28) so I am going to be including some of the things that happened to me at the concert but I hope y'all like this story.  I love you all and hope you enjoy!!! :) :) :)

My long lost twins best friend  (callmekarizma and bryr) Where stories live. Discover now