the return of an old enemy

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Later during the day Meyer's lawyer arrived and declared that his client is ready for another questioning. Still half asleep Schulze walked into the room. Expecting nothing good he prepared himself for the usual trouble. He opened the door yawing. He was already about to greet the people formally as hundred times before. But when he lift up his eyes he froze all of a sudden.

"You again?", he almost shouted looking at the familiar face of Gregson's lawyer.

"Yes it's me... I see you remember my client Gregson whom you unjustly accused of dealing drugs... But don't you think that a good lawyer should have more than one client?"

"Yes, but that an ordinary carpenter, who's wife took his money when they got divorced, has enough left that he can arrange a lawyer from Miller, Miller &James! That's hard to believe."

"You'll have to because it's true..."

"Then how in the world does he pay you?"

"Is this a questioning for me or a questioning for him? As the law allows I use my right to keep silent. Do you have any questions to my client?"

As Schulze went out he stopped trying to look calm. A million questions were in his mind and somewhere on the bottom of it dark suspicions were rising. The advocate looked through the glass shaking her head. Her inside was shaking of a million thoughts but her outside had already regained it's calm and professional look.

"We got a drug network," Schulze answered her thoughts.

"You need to find an connection between Krick, Meier, Gregson and Leon!"

"Gregson sold drugs to Leon. Meier probably knows who murdered Krick, if it wasn't himself. Meier to Gregson..."

They both turned to the glass were the lawyer was arranging his papers and Meier was watching them bored.

"What if the connection is a main boss and they don't even know each other?", Schulze said.

"Then you'll find him! No matter what it costs!", the advocate ordered sharp. "I only hope this boss is not somewhere in Columbia," she added more calm.

They both stared at the glass quietly.

"I bet my head that this lawyer knows what we need... Can I arrest him?"

Müller shook her head. "I wish I could allow it. But the law requires a specific reason."

"Two people deal with drugs. One gets murdered. Both times the suspect gets defended by the same fancy lawyer. And both can't afford him. Is this no specific reason?"

"This is very suspicious but what should we accuse him of? He didn't steal, he didn't murder, he didn't deal drugs... I can't just write <We think he knows something>."

"What about covering criminals? Is that not enough?"

"Hmmm... It could be but we are only suspecting him... Also don't you think that watching will give us more than an arrest? We could find out all his connections..."

"I wish I could just see his bank account and see who is transferring the money."

One hour later the whole police department was meeting in the advocate's office.

"I need an undercover agent. Somebody who could pretend to work at Miller, Miller &James's office. We need some information. And...", she added talking slowly to underline the meaning, "It must be somebody who he didn't see yet. Somebody who's face is easy to forget."

The men and women looked at each other.

"Ok, let me see. He already saw Clarissa... Jones and Hobson brought him here... He knows me...", Schulze started listing the names up. At the end he realized that only four people where completely unknown to the lawyer. Hallelujah, James and two police women.

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