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As Schulze entered the room where Luna Kowalsky alias Sparks was sitting. She seemed quiet nervous. He set down but his thought soon went far away from the body. He shook his head trying to get back to his job.

"Ok. Lets start. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you... So what's your name and place of birth?"

"Luna Kowalsky, 1.4.1989 at Hamburg."

"Where do you stay?"

"Didn't you jerks collect my ID-card when you arrested me? Can't you just read it there?"

"This makes 5€ for insulting a public officer. Where do you stay?"

"Schröder Street 21b."

"What did you do on the 20.3.2015 at 16:00?"

"I was at home washing my hair."

"That's very interesting. You know, we have a tape of the security camera of the Volksbank in Luther Street. It shows you at this time."

"I must have a double. I got adopted when I was a baby. I could have a sister that looks the same..."

"Do you have an alibi?"

"Well my boyfriend was at work. But the lady next door always chats with the neighbors in front of the entrance of our house. She saw me coming home at about 15:30 and she didn't see me coming out."

"As much as we know you're renting a flat in the first floor which has a garden. Can somebody prove that you didn't leave the house that way?"

Anger rose in Kowalsky's face.

"What kind of stalkers are you?"

"Another 5€ for me... I'll give you the recite later."

"Sorry, I just..."

"Oh I'm not angry. Really not. Collecting fines is a job I like."

"So what else do you have?"

"We've enough to put you into prison for about 10 years."

"You're kidding me!"

"I see this as an insult. I'll collect..."

"But what in all the world did I do? Apart from selling drugs..."

"I'm happy to hear that you don't deny it."

"I want my lawyer here. Now!"

"Right now is not possible."

"I won't talk without him."

"As you wish... You're hmm 26. Most likely you'll be in prison until you 36... Nothing too nice. It could be shorter if you tell us some stuff. Maybe about where the drugs come from..."

When Schulze came out the advocate was already waiting. "Nothing we don't know. It slipped out that she is selling them...", he summarized it fast. "This is worth nothing after she was arrested today with a purse full of drugs.", Müller answered. They both sighed deeply and everybody went his own way.

The results from the other questioning where even less. It wasn't Sebastian Holzhausen's first time of being questioned and it wouldn't be his first time in prison. Right at the beginning he refused to talk without his lawyer so the police was waiting for Schablonsky to arrive, knowing that his presence would seal their lips.

Schulze's mood dropped even deeper- again Whisky became his best comforter. But he didn't want to put Hallelujah in an embarrassing situation so he decided to sleep on the street. He started arriving dirty and unwashed at work. You could read on him that he slept outside. People noticed but didn't mention it.

The police was busy working on a strategy. But a lawyer who was part of the "team" was spoiling every opportunity. It was more difficult to put pressure on them because of that. The police couldn't say that the other one talked, because they were defended by the same man. And using the things the police suspected would have alarmed Schneider.

"We found a big web and got caught in it.", Schulze murmured during lunch break, "My whole life is a mess..."

"Who's fault is that?", Hallelujah asked.

"Emma's and Schneider's and..."

Hallelujah looked at his friend. His eyes where showing how annoyed and worried he was.

"You want to hear my own, isn't it?"

"Isn't it true? I mean who started drinking?"

"Ok... Just couldn't stand it any longer. First I found some kids who were ripped by their own father, then a girl who killed her boyfriend, then a mother who poisoned her kids to get money from the insurance... I can't stand it any longer. And I can't quit. I need to feed my family and I want to make absolutely sure that those people get into prison..."

"I also don't like it. You know, I read all their stories from their cold lifeless bodies."

"How can you believe in God when you see our world? How can God let all this happen?"

"My dear friend. Without God there would be neither good or evil. Justice doesn't grow on the trees and is not written in the DNA. If there is no God, all those people would have done nothing wrong."

"Fine, fine. But a loving God, a caring God. How can one like this watch all the evil happening? Or is he just not strong enough to beat it?"

"He is almighty and all-knowing. What he does and why he does it you need to ask him."

"And did he ever answer to you?"

"Not verbally, but he comforted me. He gave me peace and joy. More peace and joy than Whisky ever gave somebody."

"You're a fanatic do you know that?"

"Call me one. But look at my life and at your own. Shouldn't the result show which way is better?"

A couple of months later the cases of Luna Kowalsky and Sebastian Holzhausen came to trial. Schablonsky showed all his talents to defend them. But the evidence against them was insurmountable. Fingerprints, tapes of security cameras and drugs found in their flat gave Kowalsky 9 and Holzhausen 12 years in prison. None of them decided to talk.

Schulze remained at Hallelujah's flat. A couple of days he remained sober. But then his hands started shaking and he became indescribably thirsty. At least he took care that he never became completely drunk even his mood remained terrible.


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