the end of brokeness

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Schulze's mood dropped into bottomless deepness. This family was ruined. The big case he was working on had failed. All the work he had done seemed useless. And his whole money was spend on whisky. He took all he had left and went to the bar to drink himself silly. For a sweet little while all his problems swam away on the waves of whisky and an irrational happiness accomplished the sweet forgetting. Singing he went out. Tomorrow he would vomit the whole morning and his hangover would drive him nuts. But this was tomorrow. Tonight he just wanted to be happy.

Because there was no money for a taxi left he decided to drive himself. As a person who was used to alcohol, his driving was still quite well. But then a road control picked him up. He drove to the road side where the police was checking the cars. When he blew into the alcohol-tester the white chemicals turned a deep blue.

One week later his case was taking to trial and the court gave him two years for drunken driving. The court as well took his driver's license away and when they found out that he was a police detective he got sacked from his job. When he entered prison he had nothing left. His wife was ready to divorce, his job was gone, he had no money left, and he had no idea what would happen when he would be on the outside again. He felt like dying.

A couple of weeks later Hallelujah came to the prison. A guard guided him into a room to wait. Not long after Schulze arrived in an orange prisoner uniform. A glass split the room in two halves. Schulze at down at the same table as Hallelujah and smiled through the glass.

"I'm happy you finally got the time to come.", Schulze greeted his friend.

"I'm also happy. You do look good. And honestly I'm happy to see you there."

"What kind of friend are you?"

"Let me explain. In there you can't reach any alcohol."

"Aaahhh of course...", Schulze sighed.

"So how is Emma?"

"We're getting a divorce."

"Don't be so sure."

"You spoke to her?"

"I did. She's my friend, you know. At the end she realized that it would only break the kids hearts and her own... She loves you. And when you come out you'll be clean. Then all will be fine..."

Schulze smiled and said:"What I hate about you is that you know everybody better than themselves or should I better like you for it?"

Hallelujah smiled back.

"I fear I have to go now. Müller says she needs an analysis on that dead women today."

He stood up and was about to go. Then another thought reached his head and he turned around again.

"You should better think of a name."

"For who?"

"Emma is pregnant. The night when you left..."

Schulze started laughing.

"I will, I will. So hopefully soon. Be safe and keep an eye on Schneider."

"I'll do it until he's in here with you. I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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