Psychopath - flawed-

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Psychopath - flawed-

I really love this book. And I didn't think I could describe it as well as a really good friend of mine. As I was talking to her about It, she told me just to write what I feel about the book. So this is it.

This story is the MCR of wattpad.
Do you know who MCR is?


Yes I said it.

My friend describes flawed- as "the reincarnate of Anthony Horowitz."
And I agree 100%.

The story draws you into a place where you can see the characters in their lives. And it is wonderful.

This book makes you emotionally unstable in the best way possible. If that makes sense.

That makes sense right?

Okay good.

I have read this book twenty times, at least, and it gets better and better and better. Unfortunately, it is not complete. 😫😫😫😫

It is still one of the best stories I have ever read. Not just on Wattpad either.

It is honestly heartbreaking, and gut wrenching. You can't help, but go back for more!

So thank you flawed- for this wonderful gift you have brought into this world.


Psychopath - flawed-

"Write one word that describes you."

Noun: psychopath; plural noun: psychopaths
A person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.

"I'm psychopathic..." Oliver muttered as he glared at me suspiciously and condescendingly. He was waiting for me to run away. Grinning widely to piss him off, I shrugged.

"If you psychopath, then I must be a lunatic. Because I like you. And because of that, I'm not leaving."

He'd watched me stand my ground because we'd surely been through way too much for me to give up now. A small smile spread through his emotionless facade and in a second, he was back to who I really saw him for.

He let out a laugh, "Do you have a death wish?"

Isn't that awesome! 😀😀😀😀

Now go read Psychopath!


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