Tacenda - Dauneths

13 2 0

Tacenda - dauneths

Yet another short story, but I kinda fell in love with it.

This thing caught me on the first word.
Every part was just well planned, and well laid out.

I voted on every chapter,
Which is something I usually do when I like a story, but I couldn't comment until the story was finished.

I was caught in the story's trance.

Its like a siren, except it didn't kill me.

So, that was good.

I recommend this story 100%

In love

In love

In love

Your literally on the edge of your seat at the end of this book.

The ending, oh my goodness the ending.

I was mad, and sad, and throwing things.

It effected me that much.

Just go read the story!


There are thing better left unsaid Micheal, but I think it's time to let you know all of them.


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