The Plane Ride: Part One

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Zoe's POV:
At the airport we went through the long process of security. It was exhausting. Who knew leaving the country would be so hard? At least it will all be worth it because soon we will be eating pastries by the Eiffel tower. Our plane doesn't leave for an hour so I figured how about we go get some of Colorado's finest airport food. I don't know why but airport food just tastes better than regular food. Maybe it's because we either just finished an exhausting adventure or we're ready to start a new one. Or maybe it just tastes good.

Off Zoe's POV:
Zoe and Mariana walked over to a nearby Carl's Junior. "I love this place!" Zoe said. "Yeah, Carl's Junior sure is great." "What can I get for you girls?" "I'll have a chicken burger, fried zucchini, and a medium soda." Zoe said. "I'll have a cheeseburger, a small fry, and a small soda." Mariana ordered. "OK, that will be $17.76." "I'll pay." Zoe insisted, pulling a twenty out of her purse. "OK." Mariana agreed. They sat down and started to eat. All of the sudden, "flight 2346 to Paris is now boarding. Flight 2346 to Paris is now boarding." "That's us!" Mariana said. Zoe shoved her food in her mouth and ran with Mariana to the boarding area. When they got there, it was empty. They asked an employee where their boarding area was and she said it was on the opposite side of the airport. Zoe and Mariana ran as fast as they could. When they got there the employee was already closing the door. "Wait!" Mariana yelled. They breathed heavily as she scanned their tickets and welcomed them on the plane. They found their seats and relaxed. "Yay! We made it and we're on our way to Paris!" Zoe said.

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