The Plane Ride: Part Two

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On the plane, Zoe and Mariana sat next to a teenage boy. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was skinny and wore jeans with a shirt that had a skull on it. He smelled like after shave. "Sup, ladies." "Sup" Mariana responded. "Sup" Zoe said. "What's your name?" Zoe asked. "Caleb. What's yours?" "I'm Zoe." "I'm Mariana." "Will you ladies excuse me for a minute?" "Sure" Mariana said. Caleb got up and headed towards the restroom.

An employee came by with a cart and asked, "Would you like anything to eat or drink?" "Do you want anything, Mariana?" Zoe asked. "I'll have some gummy bears and Sprite." Mariana said to Zoe. "OK, we'll have two Sprites and two gummy bears." "OK, that'll be $10.52." Zoe handed the employee the money and the employee handed her the food and drinks. Then, the employee pulled a weird stamp thing out of her pocket and grabbed Zoe's wrist. "What are you..." Zoe asked as the employee stamped her wrist. All of the sudden, Zoe couldn't see a thing. Everything was dark. She leaned back in her chair, wondering what was going on. Mariana was asking Zoe if she was OK, but Zoe didn't know what to do or say so she just say there.

Caleb returned to his seat, and smiled when he say that Zoe was in a daze with a strange mark on her wrist. Then he turned his head and looked out the widow. Mariana tapped Zoe on her shoulder. Zoe turned to look at her. "Are you OK, Zoe?" "I'm better now." Zoe said as everything began to come back. She looked at her wrist and saw a strange design. It stung, and itched. It was painful! She didn't know why she had it at all. Maybe it was something that French people thought was OK to do after they served food. She wasn't sure so she decided to munch on her gummy bears and drink Sprite.

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