The Plane Disaster

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Mariana's POV:
I say Caleb smirk after seeing Zoe. I thought about it for a while and realized that he was gone while it happened, so it couldn't be that he was glad that the employee was following proper tradition. I don't know why he possibly could have smiled. All I know is that if I buy something in Paris and they try to do that to me I will not be happy.

Caleb's POV:
I think Mariana is on to me. I can't be sure though. I just have to play it cool until the heat dies down. I'm going to need another excuse decides going to the bathroom for a while because I didn't have anything to drink. My watch alarm went off for a quick second. Mariana and Zoe were sleeping so now was my chance. I crept towards the front of the plane, and snuck into first class. I was almost there. My mission was going to be a success.

Off POV:
Zoe felt the plane jerk and quickly woke up. She nudged Mariana. Mariana jerked awake. "Did you feel the plane just jerk?" Zoe asked Mariana. "Nope, I'm a deep sleeper." "Oh." Suddenly, the plane stopped in mid-air. Zoe saw red arrows pointing to the front of the plane. She saw that the mark on her wrist was glowing. She could feel the gravity leaving the plane as it plummeted towards the ground. She was scared, very scared. She has no idea what was going on.

Mariana nudged Zoe, "What's going on?" "The plane is plummeting towards the ground and we'll ask be killed unless someone puts the plane on auto pilot." Zoe didn't understand at all how she knew all that. And apparently neither did Mariana because she sat there with a blank look on her face. "Well then we have to do something." Mariana said after a long pause. "We? Can't we just leave it to the pilots?" "How do we know if they're not the one's doing this? We have to at least try! Don't tell me that that mark took away your bravery and courage! If you want to go to Paris then we have to try to save this plane and everyone on it. All we have to do is walk or run up there and put on auto pilot. Now does that sound too hard?" "No." "Then let's go!" They ran to the front of the plane. They ran through the drink room and first-class until they made it to the front, but the door was locked. Zoe leaned on the wall by putting her hand under a block that was sticking out of the wall. She didn't have a reason for putting her hand there, she was just tired and probably about to die because the plane has been falling for quite some time. She felt her wrist tingling. Finding it off she quickly pulled her hand of the wall. The doors to the controls flew open, smacking Mariana on the chin. "Ow!" Mariana exclaimed. They ran into the control room. Zoe saw that one of the buttons was glowing green. "Do you see that button glowing?" Zoe asked. "No." Mariana answered, confused. Zoe didn't know what was going on so she pushed the button. Mariana looked out the window and saw that they were almost to the ground. She screamed, not knowing what else to do. The button must have worked because Zoe noticed that the plane stopped falling and was now flying then back on track to Paris. They returned to there seats to find Caleb angrily jotting down some notes. "Wasn't that crazy?" Mariana asked Caleb. "What?" Caleb asked. "I don't know maybe the fact that we all almost just died?!" Zoe responded. "What are you talking about?" Zoe noticed that their window was closed, and that Caleb had a hint of drool on his cheek. "He was probably sleeping", Zoe thought. "Well at least we're almost to Paris." Zoe said as she opened their window. They all leaned back and relaxed as they saw the Eiffel tower come into view.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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