Xavier black

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Xavier's pov
Listening to my parents whole spill about how I was going to be the next coven leader for the forth time that day was really starting to get on my nerves. I rolled my eyes and scoffed at my parents who were still talking entertaining myself by looking out the window at the coven members scurrying around preparing for my ceremony. Being the new leader of the blood moon coven was going to be a big responsibility that I knew I couldn't do alone I needed a mate but, I had yet to find her.
I was slowly starting to give up on ever finding her I see how my parents look at each other their eyes filled with love I wanted that, I needed that. I stood up silencing my parents as I remembered that I had a meeting with the Alpha of the crescent pack. "Excuse me mom,dad." I said with as much respect that I could muster trying desperately not to sound annoyed "I have a meeting about a peace treaty with an Alpha that I must attend. "
With that I walked out of the room into the garage and slipped into my Mustang taking my time driving to the Alphas house. As his mansion came into view I slowed my car to a stop and strolled to the front door. As I rang the doorbell the most mouthwatering scent filled the air I froze inhaling the scent . The door opened and the scent grew stronger as the Alpha invited me in the smell was all over him. "Xavier black come in I was just finishing something." The Alpha said smirking in satisfaction I caught the scent drifting down the staircase and starting to walk up them. "Do you not want to have the meeting first ?" Said the Alpha in confusion" it can wait ."I said still pursuing the scent
      When I reached the top of the stairs the sight made me take a step back chained to the staircase by her wrist was a beautiful girl the amazing scent had been coming from her the whole time I thought trying to contain my Curiosity for some reason I wanted to know more about this girl. She seemed lost in thought as she let her eyes trail up my body finally our eyes locked and the whole world faded away into a blur of colors it was just us . Then I said the one word that shocked us both "mine."

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