Past wounds reopened

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Katerina's pov

Anger threatened to consume me as I stared at Xavier.Fighting for control a growl suddenly pierced the silence and I was momentarily stunned to find that the sound had risen from my own throat. I was fighting an internal battle one that I wasn't entirely sure that I could win. My body was aching to rip something apart as I was seething .
      "Kitten listen to me you have to fight it don't let it control you." A familiar soothing voice filled the silence each word soft and assuring. I fought God knows I fought against the crushing weight of the anger that burned through out my body with its poison. I whined shaking my head as another growl welled up in my throat. A slight movement to the left caught my eye my body automatically whipping around snarling toward the on coming threat as my hackles rose. Xavier stood palms out in a show of disinterest in attacking.
    My eyes  immediately drifted toward his face the hurt expression that marred his features was enough to snap me out of my anger filled haze. Whimpering ,I crouched down onto all fours slowly making my way toward him ears flattened to my skull. Slowly, he extended his hand gently placing it on my forehead . Purring loudly,I licked his face.By the time I had stopped my assault he was smiling widely.
      " Katerina?" I perked up at the mention of my name rolling off of his tongue. Laughing at my unbridled excitement upon hearing my name he spoke " Can you change back for me sweetheart?" I whimpered experiencing that pain again was not on the top of my to do list. Looking up at him, I whined and whimpered pathetically giving him the puppy dog eyes as best as I could.
He let out a small chuckle " for me baby please?"
      "Just think about yourself in human form your body will do the rest." I let out a huff doing as he said gritting my teeth to avoid crying out in pain as my bones began to reshape themselves.The pain vanished quicker this time and I sat shivering as the wind swirled around my now naked form.Heat flooded my cheeks at the realization that I was in fact naked in front of my mate. Xavier rushed over pulled his shirt off slid it over my shaking body,and pulled me into a tight embrace.   
     Nuzzling my face into his neck I inhaled his mouth watering  scent letting out a purr as I closed my eyes in content.Wait a minute did I really just smell my mate?! Wow he smells so good... Xavier's body shaking brought me out of my thoughts. He was silently laughing struggling not to make a sound.
      "Forgetting some thing kitten?"he asked his eyes twinkling mischievously. I huffed stupid vampire mind reading I thought " I heard that kitten." He said eyes narrowed playfully as I flashed him a cat like grin that was quick to disappear the second that my family entered my thoughts. " We could go visit them." He said his voice barely above a whisper as I stiffened in his hold.
         I sighed it's been three years,would Lily even remember me? I have to see them again hold my little sister again sighing I nodded mutely.Smiling using his Vampire speed he rushed back to his room sat me gently on the bed, and began typing furiously on his computer. Turning around so that only the top half of his body was visible  he stared at me expectantly " What is your dad's name ?"he asked gently as if afraid to set me off again " Gabriel Collins." I replied sullenly.
      Xavier's sharp intake of breath at the mention of my father's name had my curiosity peaked. Turning my body towards him I stared confused" yeah that's his name why does it matter?" I asked intrigued by his reaction he just shook his head " It's not my place to tell you ." He mumbled still staring at me in astonishment. I scowled at him and let out a small growl quick to cover my mouth with my hand. " It's OK you know , getting used to your now heightened emotions won't be an easy task but,I know you can do it." His voice causing the small growl to die in my throat a smile returning in its place.
     " Come on let's go let your dad know that you are alive." He said with a smirk my smile fell " To soon?" He asked sheepishly my reply was a punch to his shoulder that resulted in me feeling bad because of the bruise that started to form. Shrugging it off he flashed me a lopsided boyish grin and pulled me me out into the garage. Then, proceeded to pull me over to a bright yellow Camero as I squealed in delight at the sight. He just smiled guiding me to the passenger side opening the door as I slipped in.
      I buckled my seat belt practically jumping out of my seat as the anxiety of the situation fully set in. As if sensing my change of mood Xavier reached over to grab my hand. After giving a comforting squeeze, we began the journey that would reunite my family and I again.
     We drove for what felt like minutes but was probably edging closer to an hour with each blur of colors as I stared mesmerized from the window. Memories like colorful shards of broken glass flitted behind my now closed eyelids. Peering open my eyes I whimpered as they caught sight of the familiar woods.A memory pushed it's way to the surface along with the feelings that had once gripped tightly to my body.
      Wishing that the pain would stop, that it all would just end. I had been fourteen then and years had passed since but time cares not. So there I sat, reliving the memory I had so desperately pushed to the back of my mind. The distance between my family and I rapidly decreasing so that I could remedy the lie that tore us all apart. I had not died in the woods that night as they thought ,I had survived. I had survived only to have my freedom stolen clutched in the hands all those years, of the one that  I hated the most .
     My breath came out in sharp pants eyes wide as they scanned the foreign room. Three unfamiliar figures buzzed merrily around the room unaware of the steadily rising panic in my chest like the swelling tide seduced by the pull of the full moon. Where were the doctors and nurses from earlier ?  The realization that I was not in the hospital room from earlier struck my quivering form like a ton of bricks. As if suddenly realizing that I was in fact awake  and had been for several minutes  they turned eagerly toward me .Oblivious to the sudden frantic beeping of the monitor hooked to my body  they crowded around my bed smiling widely . I held my breath,pushing my aching body as far as I could into the head board I trembled not liking the suffocating attention. " Link the Alpha, tell him that the girl is awake he will be very pleased to know this ." the older of the three spoke she was obviously the leader of their little band, and I cocked my head to the side gauging  the other girls reaction to her command  they only nodded obediently .The girl in the middles eyes glazed over and I stared perplexed my only solution, was that she was not all there. 

 A few moments later though her milky irises returned to twinkling brightly. She nodded to the older woman a smile plastered onto her face but I noticed  the small things, it did not reach her eyes. They twinkled ,sure, but there was a certain lack of  emotion her eyes were hard and cold and  I wondered if  it had to do with this "Alpha" guy they kept talking about.A sudden bang caused my head to whip to the side snapping me out of my previous observation of the woman. The three women in front of the bed bowed their heads toward the door in an obvious show of respect,and I had the sudden urge to smile at the new arrival. I turned to face the intruder the sight causing  my breath to hitch in my throat.  My eyes eagerly drunk in his tall form he looked to be about 6' 0 easily able to dwarf my petite height. His hair a pale blonde was ruffled almost perfectly as if he had just stumbled out of bed. And his eyes dark brown that i noticed as i looked closer were flecked with gold around his irises. I cocked my head to the side curious as to his age he looked to be about sixteen, two years older than myself .I watched as if in a trance as his eyes scanned the room his penetrating gaze finally staring down onto my body. His eyes lazily scanned my body and a brilliant smile lit up his boyish face " You can call me Luka ."  he said with a smirk

The Vampire's Mate(#Wattys2017)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora